31 Mar 2020

Trace, Test And Treat With Apple & Google

Trace, test and treat with Apple & Google

While hitting the sack every night, you have a dream to wake up to a new beautiful beginning, but next morning you are welcomed by the horrifying news related to Covid-19.

Yes, this is the nightmare we all are living with and are facing the brunt of one of the deadliest viruses in the world. This virus is not just taking precious human lives but has brought the global economy on the brink of a major loss.

Yes, I know that is the sad fact, and we all are looking forward to beating this virus!

But is this, possible even?

No, it is not, unless we all come together and break the chain of this virus. There have been many instances, where it has been proven lately that #socialdistancing is actually the best tool to beat this virus.

But there is one more strategy that is still not practiced by many out there, and only a few of the places they are following it.

Are you wondering what’s that?


As stated by WHO, “Trace, test, and treat is the mantra … no lockdowns, no roadblocks and no restriction on movement. To suppress and control the epidemic, countries must isolate, test, treat and trace.”

The option of trace, test, and treat is eventually not a possible term, with every country, region or city dealing with the huge number of population. However, there is one technology that is ready to address the need of the hour, and that is mobile app technology.

Yes, you heard me all correct.

How mobile app& web technology can help?

As we all know that technology is helping millions of businesses and users across the globe. And it is further taken as a tool to expand the reach to wider consumers.

In a similar fashion, a tracking app and web portal for Covid-19 can bring a revolutionary change.

How tracing can be done with a mobile app?

Yes, it is an interesting question and you want to know how an app can turn out to be a savior in the time of trials?

So let me bring you a few instances from the other corner of the world- Singapore.

Here they are using a “TraceTogether” app, that is enabled with the Bluetooth technology, and help users to track nearby phones, without keeping an eye on the location.

The app helps in keeping a record of local logs of those contacts. Further, this data gets uploaded to the Ministry of Health, on receiving users’ consent. But this step is taken once the diagnosis is made, so the contacts can be alerted. With such a unique app concept, Singapore is all set to make this app an open-source portal.

Here mobile app helps majorly in one way, where the South Korean government texts other people, and inform them further if they were in touch with the infected individual. Within this app, a person’s age, gender, and other location can be accessed.

On the other hand, China also has got a much-refined app for surveillance. There are apps, such as Alipay and WeChat, which include health codes green, yellow, or red (as decided by the Chinese government)

This specific health status is used nationwide and helps in the determination of various factors, people riding the subway, entering the highway and other ways.

Is this all?

No there is much more to be experienced! As it is not just the mobile app technology, but the web portal is also helping in tacking.

A week ago, almost a group of 30 volunteers from the tech giants like Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet, created a website called “covidnearyou.” As the name suggests this aim has the sole purpose to track the coronavirus vicious spread.

Without widespread testing, it is next to impossible to track the source of illness.

What is the functionality of the website?

In this app, every healthy individual is asked to and fill out the information, like gender, age and zip code, flu vaccine shot information.

Further, you can find the map, where the virus has broken out.

The website asks individuals who are feeling sick, to come forward and record their symptoms, which can be fever, a cough, or shortness of breath, all general symptoms directing to Covid-19. Further, they are being asked, about their last travel history or if they have been in touch with anyone infected.

This helps to collect enough information regarding Coronavirus, because the track, test, and treat are the only options to beat this virus.

What is the future plan?

In the league of future iterations, the team has planned to add more number of symptoms, which they would record, and what they would collect from the medical professionals.

And the accumulated version can help other users to stay informed and break the chain, much earlier on the symptoms.

At Techugo, we would ensure to bring every bit of technological advancements made in the league of coronavirus tracking.

Stay tuned with us for more updates coming your way.

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