10 Feb 2023

The Top Mobile App Development Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs


Shivani Singh

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mobile app mistakes

Mobile applications can be a great asset to your business. You can use it to help you promote your unique endeavors, income streams, and inner business modules. A mobile app for your business lets you focus on a unique strategy of watching people and creating new revenue streams.

There is no one perfect. Unfortunately, this standard applies to Android app developers and mobile application affiliates. 

Some mobile app development mistakes are more severe than others. Common mobile app development errors can be confusing, regardless of whether they cost you time, money, or both. However, you are in a great position if you’re starting to develop apps as an affiliate or an entrepreneur.

It is wise to follow the lead of those who have succeeded before you. However, you can also avoid the path of those who have failed you before; you can learn from their mobile app development mistakes.

Here are some mobile app development mistakes that app developers performed earlier for you to avoid at any cost. 

Proceed to learn further. 

1. Not doing your research and due diligence

We have learned that app development is a very impatient process. People want to jump in and create immediately without taking the necessary steps.

If you feel like this, we admire your enthusiasm. However, you need to take your time and do your research before you move on. Choosing the right app creation tool can make or break your project’s success.

There are many ways to develop an app.

  • Coding by yourself
  • You can create your app on your own without any programming.
  • Hire an agency.
  • Work with a freelancer
  • Reselling white labels

This list could go on. 

You cannot make this decision in minutes, even if you’re browsing the internet at your local coffee shop. Instead, you will need to take time to find the right app development solution.

It can be compared to buying a car. More than walking into a dealership and picking up a car on the spot is required; you will read customer reviews and consumer reports. Take test drives. Shop around at different dealerships.

You can apply the same process here. Before you hire a mobile app development company:

  1. Read customer stories and case studies.
  2. Subscribe to their newsletter.
  3. Request a consultation.
  4. Request a demo and a free trial.

This is the only way to find the right development platform for your business or reseller agency.

2. Poor Budget Management

Another common mistake we see is blowing through a budget. 

  • Budget estimates from the beginning are inaccurate.
  • It is essential to plan for all aspects of the project.
  • Unexpected expenses

You should have an idea of the cost of your app from the very beginning. Then, you can use tools such as a mobile application cost calculator to get an exact estimate.

You need to plan for more than just the initial development. When developing a budget, you should consider other phases.

Your budget can cover unexpected costs. If your estimate includes adding new features or making changes to an existing plan, you won’t have to spend more on your project.

From the very beginning, it is crucial to set realistic budget expectations. Many developers will have an idea of the budget they believe will suffice to build their app. This may be based on a conversation with a friend or something they’ve read. However, there are many factors to consider.

You’ll find that technology is constantly changing if you keep up with the latest mobile application development trends. In addition, your budget will be affected by features like AR, AI, and other integrations.

To accurately estimate your profit margins, it is essential to establish a budget if you are interested in becoming a mobile application reseller.

3. Exercising too many stakeholders

Software development projects require decision-making. Although multiple stakeholders are a plus, they can also be a liability if they are not managed well.

Project stakeholders are often aggressive in arguing for their priorities.

As a developer, your job is to balance satisfying each party’s expectations while adhering to industry standards in due course.

Project managers need to use an effective strategy to achieve all project goals.

The typical project management strategy will focus on identifying all stakeholders and their roles in the process. However, you should also give different priority levels to each stakeholder.

It should be determined by how important their role is in the success of the project.

The roles of decision-makers, feedback providers, recommendation givers, and others could be included in stakeholder hierarchies.

However, it doesn’t matter their role; you should do your best to communicate precisely and consistently with all parties. Let them know that your input makes a difference.

This structure will help you avoid conflicts. However, it is vital to keep the project objectives in your mind and review each stakeholder’s interests.

4. Developers are not communicating properly

Communication is critical to every app development project. Although it may seem difficult to get developers to view the whole idea of your app, it is something you must do. 

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This can make a huge difference in your results. Communicating with developers effectively is best when you don’t give any details or make assumptions. Detail documentation with all visuals benefits gives an entirely new piece of software.

Documentation should include the following:

  • Your app’s synopsis (abstract that explains what it does).
  • An app wireframe.
  • A complete feature listing.

These are elements that a professional developer would expect from you in most cases. The developer or agency will then give their feedback and prepare an estimate for the project.

This initial conversation will give you a glimpse into the communication process of the developer and help you decide if it is right for you. This part of the development process, however, is different. Also, it saves you lots of time and effort in the long term by allowing your research input to be included from the beginning.

5. Reducing Resource Count and Size – Making the App Big

A sizeable mobile app isn’t something that 21st-century digital customers are excited about. Smartphones and other mobile devices still have limited storage capacity, which significantly differs from desktop PCs. Surprisingly, mobile users are likely to refrain from using programs that consume large amounts of data or slow down their devices. It is an excellent idea to reduce the size of your software.

Here are some key recommendations to help you avoid mobile app development mistakes. 

  • Minimize the size and number of resources

The software requires resources. You can reduce the size of your application bundle by reducing the size and eliminating redundant resources. This can be done, among others, using drawable objects and compressing image files, depending upon vector graphics, as well as reducing library resource usage.

  • Prefer Android Size Analyzer & Application Bundles

This is an essential suggestion for Android developers. The Android Size Analyzer can identify and execute different app-minimization strategies. You can use the Android Studio analyzer. After you’re done, an Android Application Bundle can help save storage space for publishing to Google Play Store.

  • Keep your code as short as possible

Another thing to think about when calculating application size is your codebase.

Generic code components such as debug symbols, automatic enumerations, and created code could all increase the size of your application. Therefore, these components should be used with caution if you want to avoid mobile app development mistakes.

You can increase your app’s chance of being downloaded by making your APK the thinnest possible. Consumers will also experience improved performance if their APK is thinner.

6. Not building an MVP

An MVP can save your application from being a disaster. A Minimum Viable Product (or MVP) allows you to evaluate the presentation of your application in progressively economic environments. Most companies use this popular mobile app market trend to avoid mobile app development mistakes.

You will need a minimum viable startup product to attract your first users, receive criticism and understand your target market. Important to remember that MVP can’t be separated from a poorly designed or incomplete product.

7. Poor UI/UX

Sometimes, we get so involved in developing an app that we need to remember how it will be used. Therefore, ensuring the app’s user interface is correct is vital.

Poor UI/UX design is the main reason people uninstall apps. When they open an app, people have certain expectations. As an example, take the best apps and most popular apps today.

These apps all have simple navigation and a search function. The home menu can also be accessed easily from any screen. Sometimes developers need to be more creative with the UI. Unfortunately, this ultimately leads to poor user experience.

Let us understand it with an example. You expect the main menu to appear at the top when you visit a website. This is how you navigate the different pages and the site.

What if the main menu were in a grid on the bottom right of your screen will you visit a website?

No, right?

You can create a website in any way you want. However, users will be disappointed with the design, as it differs from what they are used to. This same principle can be applied to mobile apps. You don’t have to invent the wheel. Instead, you can win the best homepage design ever.

Keep it simple. The app experience will be ruined if the user clicks three to four times to navigate to another screen or return to their home screen. Prioritize UI, or you’ll have many unhappy app users.

8. Too Many Platforms

Depending on its purpose, you may be compelled to make your app available to as many people as possible. This has obvious advantages for mobile application marketing but can pose challenges from a development perspective.

A native app for mobile devices is a good idea, but an iOS or Android app will double your budget if you plan to create a modern app. Both projects will be considered separate development ventures. Taking on two projects at once can be daunting if you have never created an app.

If you are building a native application, don’t increase your initial development costs or start something too complex. You can also build apps for iOS and Android using an app builder. These platforms allow you to reduce development time and costs while creating apps without having to write a single line code.

You can learn to code or partner with someone who will create a native app. If you choose to go this route, I recommend that you focus on one platform. An app builder is the best option if you don’t want to deal with these issues.

9. You can mimic your website or desktop app

You will likely already have a web app before you start building a mobile app. However, you may fall in love with either the desktop or web app. It is not a good idea to duplicate your web app on your mobile app.

The reason is simple: Mobile apps and web apps operate differently. As a result, each product has a different User Experience (UX). Mobile apps shouldn’t be limited to a smaller version of your desktop app.

This is important from both a design and functionality perspective. Consumers use their smartphones and desktop devices in different ways. This should be reflected in the design choices and feature list.

It’s great to keep the same color scheme and theme throughout the app (for branding purposes), but the app’s UX must always be a priority. Your mobile app (as a native application) should provide the best performance under optimal conditions. This is possible by deciding on the correct design elements and functionality.

10. A never-ending improvement loop

It is essential to put your mobile app through several rounds of improvement to ensure its market success. However, it’s impossible to create the perfect software product, no matter how hard you try. This will result in an app that fails to take off due to mobile app development mistakes. 

You must realize that you will only learn certain things after your app launches. Therefore, it is a crucial business decision to be able to launch your product after several iterations. You should be able to play it safe if you are good at making minimum viable products (MVPs).

An MVP allows you to evaluate your app’s functionality and performance. This means you are generating honest user feedback in marketing conditions before you launch the final app.

This helps speed up the app development process and allows for a faster final product launch. Many successful mobile apps like Uber and Instagram have used the MVP model to create highly engaging products.

11. Retention is not the goal. Instead, focus on downloading

Developers often point to the number of apps downloaded as the best indicator of a mobile app’s success. This is not the end of it. App success does not always come with high download rates.

Many companies spend significant amounts of money on user acquisition. It is possible to save substantial amounts of money on marketing if you give equal attention to user retention. Existing app users can be a vast potential source of Return on Investment (ROI) if they are engaged.

Loyal customers are more than repeat buyers. Also, they provide quality feedback and word-of-mouth advertising for your brand. Here are five proven ways to increase app engagement and retention.

  • Facilitate a pleasant experience at the airport.
  • Push notifications can be integrated in the right way.
  • You can use branded notifications or messages in-app
  • Attract customers with different offers, discounts, loyalty programs, and other incentives
  • Encourage and reward feedback from users

Setting up an app to increase retention rates is a complex process. It involves both creating and maintaining great apps. High download and retention rates are critical ingredients to a high-quality app.

12. Ignoring user feedback

User research is the cornerstone of any software program that succeeds. It’s common for software developers to assume that customers will love their software, especially in the initial stages of development.

Your project could be doomed if you don’t confirm your idea with an in-depth understanding of your target audience. Marketing and development are two of the most critical components in applying to the market. They both depend on user research. You cannot make assumptions about the behavior and needs of your potential customers. 

It would be helpful if your market research were more than just a simple exercise. User research should provide insight into user demographics, motivations, and behavioral patterns. Understanding the current competition and setting clear goals and targets is essential to create a unique solution. You must answer these questions to make your application trendy and avoid mobile app development mistakes. 

  • What are the long-term effects of your app’s solutions?
  • Does the app’s design adapt to market trends?
  • Are all features well-implemented in the application? Are they too complicated for users?

What makes the app unique? The app stores are already overloaded with identical products. It is very efficient to do some research on your audience before you start any project. It saves you time and energy by verifying your ideas before you put them into practice.

How to Avoid Common Mobile App Development Mistakes

It is crucial to consider elements like touch features, speed, and agile development during the app development process.

Although there is no single way to make an app successful, there are commonalities among all the most successful apps.

  • Your app should solve everyday problems

Before you start creating an app, think about the following questions: What problem do you want to solve with your app? Is it a solution to the problem users wish, and is it more expensive than the other apps? Does it function as an alternative to rival services, or is it integrated with something new? What is its value to targeted customers?

These questions will help you to validate your idea and the purpose of your app. People are lazy. If you want them to switch from X to Y, just a few updated features won’t do the trick. Instead, create a unique app.

  • Engaging content is critical to your success

Your users will be compelled to explore your app more by providing new and exciting content. Make an app that includes polls, contests, downloadable offers, and polls. Integration is key. Ensure third-party ads you use as revenue sources are related to your app’s content.

  • Take a look at social media and the web

You may have read my previous point and wondered how often you should post new content. It’s great to update your content every hour, daily, or even by the minute, but sticking with a consistent schedule cannot be easy. Although it can be costly to create an app, it is worth the investment. This can be done by connecting the app to a radio or television.

  • Every app is unique, and every strategy is different

Although different mobile apps have other purposes, they can all be classified into entertainment-based, efficiency-based-task management apps, and need-based apps. Each category requires a different strategy to ensure that your idea is validated.

The UI design includes more than one wireframe. Apps are well tested by experts “other than you” and have a pitch when submitted to the Apple App Store or Google App Store.

  • Create a test checklist

A testing checklist is a way to ensure that your testing strategy is flawless. In addition, you can cross-reference it from time to time. These are some essential pointers to keep in mind when creating a testing checklist.

  • Define your process (How will you test, what strategy, who will test etc.
  • Establish an in-house testing environment by appointing an in-charge.
  • You can use both in-house and offshore testing experts
  • Make sure to schedule your test and notify people well in advance.
  • Ensure you have the right equipment, tools, and facilities for testing.

How Techugo can help you succeed with your mobile app

Every company that enters the mobile app market has one goal: to turn their idea into a profitable product. But, one mistake can ruin their entire project and make it difficult to reach the primary goal. Techugo, the best mobile app development company believes in following a qualitative process to meet users’ needs and fulfill their vision. To avoid any mobile app development mistakes, we keep an eye on each aspect. We are always available for business discussions regarding your app idea or cost to develop a mobile app

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