25 Oct 2024

Seeding the Future of Agriculture in Saudi Arabia: An AgriTech Boom


Shifa Akbar

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Agriculture in Saudi Arabia

Agriculture in Saudi Arabia has always been an essential sector. Although traditionally focused on self-sufficiency in terms of food production, in recent times, it has also increased export and commercialization activities. Wheat, dates, barley, fruits, and cattle all form major crops. At the same time, there is also a significant livestock farming industry, such as meat processing facilities and dairy farms that employ thousands of laborers. Government efforts have focused on increasing efficiency and diversifying agriculture by investing in irrigation systems and research development, among other strategies.

Agriculture faces unprecedented challenges today, with rapid population growth, climate change, and limited resources threatening sustainability and food security. Yet, despite all this, there remains immense potential for transformation and innovation within its ranks. Venture capitalists recognize agriculture startups in Saudi Arabia’s capacity to transform practices while increasing food security and encouraging sustainable development.


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agriculture startup in saudi arabia

What Is An Agricultural Business?

A farm or agricultural business online is an organization principally involved in manufacturing, processing, distribution, and selling agricultural goods. It encompasses various activities related to agriculture, gardening or ranching, and other related agricultural activities. Businesses in agriculture come in various dimensions and shapes, including small family farms and substantial commercial enterprises. Innovative business strategies for future agriculture in Saudi Arabia may concentrate on growing crops, raising cattle, or both.

Agriculture in Saudi Arabia has witnessed massive growth in the past decade. Implementing the government’s Vision 2030 plan emphasizes diversifying and removing the country’s dependence on oil, and agriculture is an essential sector of the plan’s focus. The government has created various incentives and support programs to increase investment in agriculture, making it a desirable industry for local and foreign investors.

agriculture in Saudi Arabia

Is Agriculture a Profitable Business In Saudi Arabia?

Tech in agriculture is a highly profitable business in Saudi Arabia due to several aspects, including:

1. Growing Population And Increasing Food Demand

With an ever-growing population, Saudi Arabia is experiencing an upsurge in food demand. This demographic growth provides a huge business opportunity for farmers and offers lucrative possibilities for individuals producing food.

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2. High Demand For Export

Saudi Arabia is an emerging player in the global agricultural marketplace app. There is a growing demand for its agricultural products, such as dates, flowers, poultry, and animals. It gives entrepreneurs ample opportunities to study potential export markets and boost their profits.

3. Favorable Climate Conditions

Certain areas in Saudi Arabia boast favorable climate conditions for cultivating different varieties of crops. This favorable environment helps to ensure the viability and economics of farming, making it an appealing venture to anyone considering entering this sector.

4. Government Support And Initiatives

The Saudi Arabian government recognizes the necessity of a well-developed and modernized agriculture benefits sector. This is why it has initiated numerous initiatives and subsidy programs that encourage agricultural entrepreneurs. Government support improves the profitability and viability of businesses in the agriculture sector.

5. Investment Opportunities

The agricultural sector in Saudi Arabia presents diverse investment opportunities, from modernizing irrigation systems to investing in the latest technologies and research. Entrepreneurs can explore these avenues to improve operations and remain on top of the ever-changing farming landscape.

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agriculture business in saudi arabia

Establishing An Agriculture Business In Saudi Arabia

Our startup app development company provides valuable advice when deciding on an excellent organizational structure. It also assists in the quick licensing process and business growth.

  • Conducting thorough market research is vital in determining the market demand for various agricultural products and the viability of establishing a business in the region.
  • We can assist entrepreneurs in determining the best business structure tailored to their requirements and ambitions.
  • Applicants must identify the specific activities they intend to carry out in agriculture when applying for an agriculture license.
  • According to market demand and local environmental issues, farmers should pick crops or animals that are in line with consumers’ preferences and are suitable for the environment.
  • Finding the right location is essential, considering soil health, water availability, and market accessibility.

agriculture business in saudi arabia

Requirements For Obtaining An Agriculture License

To get an agricultural license for Saudi Arabia, applicants must satisfy specific criteria stipulated by the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture. This may differ depending on the type of license that is being sought. However, they are generally:

1. Business Plan

Comprehensive business plans that outline the types of agriculture activities that will be undertaken, the production techniques, and the anticipated production should also be included. They should also contain the financial projections and the feasibility study.

2. Land Ownership Or Lease Agreement

A proof of ownership or lease agreement on the land on which the farming activities are to occur. The property must be suitable for the planned usage of the land for agriculture.

3. Environmental Impact Assessment

A report on the environmental impact of agricultural activities is needed to ensure that agricultural practices do not harm the environment.

4. Technical Expertise

This is evidence of technical superiority within the particular field of agriculture. It could result from the qualifications or expertise of the proprietor or the key staff.

5. Financial Capability

A proof of financial ability for the undertaking and sustained success of farming operations. These could include statements of bank accounts, guarantees, or credit letters.

6. Conformity To Regulations

Conformity with local laws, such as health and safety requirements and labor laws. Environmental laws.

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agriculture license in Saudi Arabia

Step-By-Step Process To Obtain An Agriculture License

The process for obtaining an agricultural license for Saudi Arabia involves several steps. Below is a comprehensive step-by-step procedure:

1. Conduct a Feasibility Study

Before applying for an agricultural license, you must conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the feasibility of your agricultural plan. This study should include research on the market, available resources, an estimate of cost, and possible returns on the investment.

2. Prepare a Business Plan

In light of the feasibility analysis on the feasibility study, create a thorough business plan. The plan must include specific information about the farming activities, including production techniques, marketing strategies, and financial projections. Ensure that the plan aligns with the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture guidelines.

3. Secure Land

Find suitable property for agricultural use. You can do this by buying or leasing the property. Make sure the land meets all the legal requirements for agricultural use.

4, Obtain Environmental Clearance

Do an environmental impact analysis and get the required approval from relevant authorities. This will ensure that agricultural activities won’t harm the environment.

5. Submit Application

Send the request for an agricultural license for the agriculture license to the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture. The application must include all the necessary documents, including your business plan, the land ownership lease or lease agreement, environmental clearance, proof of technological competence, and financial capacity.

6. Inspection And Evaluation

When the web application is received after it has been submitted, the Ministry must examine and inspect the project. This could involve visits to the site and interviews with the applicants to determine the feasibility of the project and its conformity with the regulations.

7. Approval And Issuance Of License

If the agriculture app meets all requirements and passes the examination and inspection approval, the Ministry will approve the request and issue an agriculture license. The license must specify the kind of agriculture operations allowed and the conditions or limitations.

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developing an agricultural app

Estimating The Cost To Develop An Agricultural App

How farmers handle their livestock, crops, and various other farming tasks has drastically changed thanks to the advent of apps for agriculture. They are designed to improve the production of farms, provide analytics based on data, and streamline the farming process. According to the mobile app development company in UAE, agricultural estimations of app development costs depend on a few variables. They require the assistance of experts who have expertise in requirements for apps that aid in agriculture and more.

However, the development process for agricultural apps is likely time-consuming and costly. An agricultural app based on ROI could be viewed as an incredibly beneficial and cost-effective expenditure. Estimating the cost to develop a mobile app for farming can be difficult because of the many variables. Considering all these variables, we could think that the price for creating a mobile application associated with agriculture or farming ranges from $9000 to $27000.

agriculture business ideas Saudi Arabia

Top Agriculture Business Ideas In Saudi Arabia

There are many of the most challenging and profitable money-making agriculture business concepts. They are explained all below.

1. Organic Farming Business Ideas

Consumers’ growing health-consciousness and environmental awareness drive the demand for organic goods. The agricultural industry removes or uses Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), synthetic chemical compounds, and other ingredients much less often in organic farming.

Instead, good crop growth and proper livestock care depend on natural techniques and practices. Organic farming is crucial since it provides high-quality, non-chemical food products while focusing on soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem protection.

2. Precision Agriculture

Precision is among the ideas for startups in agriculture in Saudi Arabia that maximize crop control and allocate resources using technology such as drones, sensors, and data analysis. Farmers can manage expenditures and boost yields by getting up-to-date information about nutrition levels, crop health, and soil moisture to make educated choices. Making precision agricultural-related equipment or software and consulting services could be lucrative.

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3. Beekeeping And Honey Production

Beekeeping offers a variety of income possibilities, including making beeswax, honey, and pollination services. Because beekeeping and the reduction of honey are among the agricultural opportunities explored in Saudi Arabia, establishing a beekeeping company could be enjoyable. Additionally, encouraging environmentally friendly practices in beekeeping and propagating the importance of bees will aid in preserving the natural environment.

4. Vertical Farming Business

Vertical farming is one of the best-known ideas for business in agriculture within Saudi Arabia. It makes the best use of space available and increases yields in agriculture when urbanization increases. The entrepreneur can plant crops throughout the year and not be confined by changes in the season by adopting vertical structures controlled by conditions, including the indoor hydroponic system or stacked containers.

With the help of a mobile app development company in Saudi Arabia, businesses can develop a vertical farming app that delivers special attention to each client. Dedicated solution consultants, project management, remote or on-site training, and deployment–guaranteeing a quality solution. 

5. Manure business

In addition to being rich in organic matter, Manure is an important material from animal husbandry that is an ideal fertilizer for crop production. Initially, a manure-selling business can help support environmentally sustainable farming practices and earn profit. Manure is a great organic matter source that increases soil fertility, structure, and moisture retention. It also contains essential minerals like potassium, phosphate, and nitrogen.

It improves soil health, increases plant development, and reduces the need for artificial fertilizers. Farmers and gardeners have an organic, environmentally sustainable alternative to synthetic fertilizers through the sale of man.

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6. Medicinal Herbs Products

The public is seeking more natural, holistic solutions to wellness and health. This has resulted in significant growth in the usage of medicinal herbs and herb-based products over the past few times. Due to their curative properties and medicinal properties, herbal remedies have been used for a long time. 

The numerous bioactive compounds found in the herbs can improve people’s health and well-being. This growing trend is regarded as one of the top farming business opportunities within Saudi Arabia, offering a lucrative business opportunity for companies looking to produce and market products made of medicinal herbs.

7. Hydroponic Farming

The cultivation of plants using nutrient-rich water solutions is called hydroponic agriculture. This farming method does not require soil and is an alternative to traditional agriculture practices based on soil. This innovative technique can cultivate crops efficiently and sustainably through fertilizers, water, and a controlled environment. 

There are many benefits to hydroponic agriculture, which include the ability to grow all year round, improved crop yields, improved water efficiency, and efficient use of space. If done correctly and with an exemplary work ethic, hydroponic farming can boost your money.

8. Seed Production And Marketing

Seed production refers to the procedure of growing, collecting, and preparing seeds for planting. Quality seeds are vital to improving yields, resistance to disease, crop uniformity, and general agricultural production.

Seed production is vital in agriculture as it creates the foundation for growing crops and producing food. Marketing and producing seeds are among Saudi Arabia’s most popular business ideas, as they provide entrepreneurs with a promising future if demand for top seeds increases.

9. Tree Farm Enterprise

A farm-based enterprise known as “tree farming” cultivates and markets trees. In light of the massive need for Christmas trees, papers, lumber, and paper Tree farms are highly profitable businesses. Tree farms are available in various varieties, each with unique potential and obstacles. The three types of most well-known trees are paper tree farms that harvest the wood for pulp; Christmas tree farms, which offer Christmas trees; and lumber tree farms that grow specific trees, such as pine and spruce, to take lumber.

10. Aquaponics Business

Hydroponics, soilless cultivation, aquaculture, and fish farming combine to make aquaponics a sustainable Organic Farming technique. The system creates fish and plants in a symbiotic relationship; wastewater from the fish provides plants with nutrition, and the plants purify the water for fish. One of the most creative ideas for the agriculture business, aquaponics, is becoming increasingly known as a profitable, environmentally responsible agriculture business due to its capability to grow plants all year round and the efficient utilization of the resources available.

11. Fodder Business

Fodder farming refers to a company that concentrates on producing fodder plants. This is an agriculture practice where the crops are cultivated to provide food for livestock, specifically cattle, sheep, and horses. This is one of the agricultural business concepts being implemented in Saudi Arabia that is consistent with the idea that livestock management production can be a lucrative financial investment. 

Saudi Arabia has one of the most extensive cattle holdings in the world. A considerable amount of fodder is necessary for breeding the animals, so since many farmers are beginning to raise livestock, fodder requirements will increase.

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organic farming in Saudi Arabia

The Process Of Improving Farming In Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia originally attempted agricultural self-sufficiency by utilizing aggressive government subsidies to farmers during the 1980s because of volatile food imports. Poor practices and the mismanagement of water resources prompted the reformulation of those efforts in 2007. The Kingdom now subsidizes the production of feeds for livestock farmers. It promotes the growth of vegetables through greenhouse and drip irrigation techniques. This method of water conservation ensures a long-lasting and sustainable food source.

Saudi Arabia ranks top in government and has made a concerted effort to enhance its agriculture sector as part of its Vision 2030 program. One of the top priorities for Saudi Arabia is to increase efficiency in using nature’s limited resources while also creating rural regions. Agriculture and agribusiness are significant sources of employment within the Kingdom. 

Therefore, supporting agriculture within Saudi Arabia improves people, food security, and many people’s lives. Farmers tend to be among the most disadvantaged people across the globe. Therefore, helping them and working towards the efficiency of agriculture simultaneously combats Saudi food insecurity and poverty.

The Kingdom remains an essential importer of meat, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. However, as the demand for food increases, there is a rising focus on agriculture throughout Saudi Arabia. After the failure of attempts to cultivate it during the 1980s, Saudis have used technology to improve their agricultural production as efficiently as possible. 

The latest strategies involve using satellites to obtain images of the land. The goal of these thermal photographs is to discern the relationship between crop growth and water usage. This helps farmers compare the water needs of different crops and determine which crop will yield the most outstanding production for a given quantity of water.

A new technological innovation has recently been introduced by the United Arab Emirates, which has a shared border and climate with Saudi Arabia. The country’s Norwegian scientist had introduced her invention, Liquid Nanoclay (LNC), to Emirati desert farms. LNC is a method that provides sand with the appearance of clay by mixing clay particles with water and linking them with Sand particles. 

Since the sand particles are loose, they cannot hold the water efficiently, but the treatment allows them to do this. With no chemical use, LNC decreased water usage to 50% over its test run on Emirati farms. Even though it’s costly, a technology from around the world that is this efficient offers hope to agriculture across Saudi Arabia and other regions that are low on water and largely dependent on food imports.

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agriculture business in saudi arabia

Tips To Successfully Run Your Agricultural Business In Saudi Arabia

Agribusinesses do not all focus exclusively on maintaining the livestock and land. These businesses are now expanding to work directly with farmers. More agribusinesses are purchasing and selling directly to farmers. If you want to start your own agriculture enterprise, you can do so by establishing your own business.

Here are some tips to help your company emerge in the best possible position.

  • Before that, you must decide on the kind of agriculture you want to concentrate on. The most popular types include Organic Farming UAE, poultry farming, dairy farming, animal farming, fish farming, hen farming, vegetable farming, modern farming, and floral enterprise. You can research each of these areas to decide on your best area of focus. This is the basis of the following actions.
  • Do ground-based research on farming, agricultural practices, ecological dangers, rural development, etc. They will assist you in planning better, and you will also be equipped to understand everything that may come your way. Join the field and work with farmers to understand the process and the benefit of a few tips. Discover the resources available as well as the latest technology to assist in the process of setting up your farm successfully. Also, you can seek advice from certified trainers, agricultural experts, fertilizer specialists, and much more.
  • Use modern strategies, including precision agriculture, hydroponics, and sustainable farming practices, to boost productivity and lower expenses.  Monitor and analyze the effectiveness of your agricultural enterprise regularly to determine areas for enhancement and guarantee profitability.
  • One of the most crucial aspects of agribusiness is the reliability and confidence of your individuals and business partners. Start small to establish solid relationships with the various customers and partners involved, which can help move your business with confidence.
  • A properly planned marketing strategy can connect you to farmers and other suppliers, allowing you to establish a presence in the marketplace. It is the most effective method of reaching out to your marketing automation and the problem and allowing your company to become their answer.

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agriculture in Saudi Arabia

Future Prospects Of Agriculture In Saudi Arabia

The prospects for agricultural production for the future of agriculture in Saudi Arabia are promising due to government initiatives. Also, Tech In Agriculture advances, causing a growing demand for food security. The Vision 2030 plan aims to make Saudi Arabia a global leader in sustainable agriculture. It focuses on efficiency, innovation, and environmental sustainability. The most critical potentials and trends include:

  • Integrating cutting-edge technologies like precise farming techniques, drones, and automated irrigation systems will likely revolutionize farming across Saudi Arabia.
  • A growing focus has been placed on sustainable practices, such as organic agriculture, water conservation, and renewable energy sources.
  • The government has been encouraging the diversification of agricultural products, the growing of valuable crops, and the development of innovative agricultural businesses.
  • More investments in research and development could result in agricultural innovations and improved production techniques.
  • International collaboration opportunities and partnerships will likely grow, allowing people to access global markets and share knowledge.

agriculture in saudi arabia


Over the past few years, agriculture in Saudi Arabia has witnessed a substantial shift in its agricultural landscape. It has moved away from emphasizing self-sufficiency to a greater focus on commercialization and exports. This change has provided numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors who want to take advantage of the Kingdom’s flourishing agricultural industry.

Agriculture is decoding the dynamics of industry, and customers’ expectations are constantly changing. This blog has shown how businesses based on agriculture profit from smart farming. Companies with ideas for agriculture businesses that want to enter this booming market may find many opportunities within the agricultural sector. With careful planning, meticulous analysis of market trends, and an unwavering commitment to eco-green farming practices. Farmers can profit from this growing industry, contribute to worldwide development, and fulfill the needs of a changing society.

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