10 May 2016
Updated on July 24th, 2019

Pending App- A Blessing For Real Estate Professionals

It’s not undeniable, every industry comes with its own set of ups and downs, there is never a stagnant feature in any industry, rather every industry faces a low and high points quite often, but when it comes real estate agency, unfortunately the risk factors turn a little more with more number of regular changes in the field. No doubt a Real Estate Manager/Agent, comes with different shades of responsibilities attached to  the work title, I am able to say this, since I have experienced this, not me personally obviously, I am more than happy with my work as a mobile app developer, well coming back to the point of how I experienced it, I was born and brought up in joint family, where every single person was regarded taken as a significant part of the family, there was a rule in my family set by my grand dad, no matter what you do and what you eat during day time but evenings were only devoted for families, and it was a Hobson’s Choice for each and every person in the family to have dinner together, there I faced the issue, during dinners I found my granddad screaming on my uncle, for missing most of the dinners, I never realized his reasons, then but sooner I gained my intellects, I realized, being a Real Estate Manager, it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. It needs a LOT to manage everything in this profession, like existing clients, prospective clients, expanding business with many other significant details.

I have seen my uncle juggling with all the details and finding no solution and creating more of the confusion only. During Holi break, when I reached home, again, he was missing as some overseas client was about to make a visit, when he came by afternoon he was exhausted but happy to get the deal. Luckily, he was there for dinner. After dessert round, I asked him casually, why don’t you hire an assistant to manage your files and data, but he backed off with an inevitable truth; the market is low these days, having an assistant would only hit my happy budget. This made me think of something, and on returning back, I suggested one of our international clients, who happens to be a real-estate agent, to get an easy-to-be carried assistant, in the form of an App, she wondered what made me think like that, but later I explained her my uncle’s story and she accepted the pain.

So, at Techugo, I along with the team of designers and developers created an App, dedicated only to Real-estate workers, App is named Pending App, as the name suggests, this app will manage the all pending or to-do jobs with a reminder. User needs to fill the dates in the fields, these fields are basically related to real estate, after storing the dates, there is a section called notification settings -> In this the user can select the no of days after/before he/she wants to get notified. Now a user receives a notification according to his setting. Also, on the home page the user can see all his transactions in the form of cards. Where his expired transaction is marked as expired and the rest carry the no of days after which they will expire.

Soon, this App is going to be on App stores and I am certain about it’s about to be popularity. Now all the families, throughout the globe, will have their Real Estate family member back on their dinner table…


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