7 Nov 2017

What You Should Not Avoid While Developing A Mobile App

Mobile App

“My app is working fine but I am not getting enough downloads, what to do?” This is the most common fact you get to hear from your clients and you get to hear more frequently than expected. But have you ever wondered that what leads to the client to think in this way? Is it their mere thought process or in fact, there is something which needs to be addressed?

No, that is not a mere thought, but it is something which has to deal with your app and its functionalities as a major concern….

Many times I have been asked that how a mobile app can bring more downloads, though marketing is the one segment which you cannot afford to avoid, but if your app functionality begs to differ from the marketing approach, believe me, nothing can save your mobile app.

So except indulging into aggressive marketing strategies, don’t forget to take a deep plunge in the pool of beneficial app features for your app. But there are again certain guidelines you need to follow while integrating the top features in your mobile app….let’s read ahead to know further…

  • Don’t Include Every Feature

Every app has distinct target users with the different set of requirements and needs. The end-users play the role of a Protagonists in the app success, and paying heed to their needs works best for your app, but there comes a beautiful click, wherein you need to be able to identify which need must be given the priority and which should be avoided in the first version of the app.

This strategy helps you only pick the required features, thus avoiding every possible chance to confuse users. Now the very next question drools in your Mr. Brain, that how features can confuse the users? A good question indeed, and the answer is more good than the question (no pun intended J), so let’s begin, users are very naïve when it comes to handling your APP, not the technology, so when they first encounter your app, they know the technology, but are not aware that how this technology integrated into features going to serve their purpose, so they need to be trained with the minimalistic features to begin with.

Second, by including every feature in the app at the very first step, you are left with ZERO scopes for improvement and don’t have many choices to try in the subsequent app update. On the contrary, if you implement only a few, but required features in your app then you have ample of opportunities to improve and integrate further in the subsequent app versions, depending upon user’s demand and feedback. The best example for this is Facebook and WhatsApp, where we all were introduced with the minimal features, and as time has progressed we are filled with numerous features, but worth to notice we are well-comfortable with the existing features already.

  • Watch Out Your Competitors

Yes, this is the most crucial aspect and it helps you in abundance. Your competitors actually work as your guide, they update you with every new improvement to be made. By closely watching your competitors, you can easily analyze that which feature can actually make a difference to your app and which needs to be avoided as one of the not-so-desirable features.

Invest your time and energy in studying further about your competitors’ app and see what you need to take and what you need to leave, I suggest not to copy the exact features, since it would never entice the users, with the same features to be tried at a different app, only get the influence and let your creativity and imagination to lead your way.

  • Get A Promotional Website

Most of us consider a promotional website a complete waste and further expense on the pocket, but what we fail to grab is the real essence of a promotional website and the wonders it can bring to the app success and the business revenue further…A promotional website helps your app to carve a deserving niche for itself amidst the millions of pre-existing mobile apps in the market.

A promotional website can roughly be called as a robust and direct marketing channel, which lets the users to experience your app, much before it gets live, and creates a stir in the market, due to which your users get a glimpse of app, and its functionalities and get to know that how this app going to benefit them.

  • Get On Forums

The forums are full of different innovators, potential investors, tech heads, and advisors, once you post your app’s beta mode link with them, they help you learning what works best for your app, and if there is something which needs to be improved, in terms of design, navigation, functionality and so on, and if they like your app idea then you can expect that they would promote your app within their circle as well…thus getting on different tech forums to get the best solution for your app health is highly recommended.

Apart from this, you need to keep a note that the app is not an incident but a process, which needs to be developed with full-fledged research and analysis, to understand the users and their demands, failing to which it only curbs the app success and you fail to get an expected results from your app, despite investing money and business goals’ dream.

Yes, the role of a mobile app development company plays a vital role here, and selecting any random app agency to cater your app requirements, is just wastage of time, also money too. Picking a right mobile app development company is a MUST for your business goals’ accomplishments and it helps you sail down easily to success path. I understand that a selection of an app development company is a hard decision to be made, but I am here to help you with suggesting a leading app development company name, which has delivered a pool of successful mobile apps, to some of the leading brands and start ups across the globe and the name is Techugo.

If you want to grab some more information about Techugo, we insist you to check out our work and clientele at https://www.techugo.com/ and also you can get in touch with the Techugo team at:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

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