13 Jul 2017
Updated on April 3rd, 2023



Ankit Singh

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mobile app

I will be late definitely, this was the thought which haunted me 6th time in the row since I left the workplace, credit goes to unpredictable rain showers and I faced the traffic as a result… I knew this all together, was going to hamper my plan of a home-cooked dinner party for my friends. In the rush I gave a call to my roomie, and asked her to grab the so and so veggies from the near super mart, but finding her also stuck in traffic, I decided to get my required veggie stock get ordered online, so I will have everything on my doorstep, by the time I would reach, but  I searched, searched and searched, but there was no trace of mobile app for my nearby supermarket, which is way too popular in the South region of my city, although they are always jam-packed with the number of customers, hitting their mart every hour, but they DON’T HAVE A MOBILE APP….how is it possible on earth, where everything is well-equipped and handled by technology, a vendor whose business relies on customers, does not have a mobile app…sad very sad…I said to myself, and worth to mention, I ordered the food from outside through a mobile app that night, because I could not order my required veggies through a mobile app.

Do you think it is impossible, because in today’s era mobile app is must for every business, but just for your information, there are still many vendors who have a little bit too much confidence in their brick & mortar presence, that they are ready to give a ditch to mobile app for no good reason. So with this blog, I seriously want to bring the attention of those grocers who don’t have a mobile app yet for their business, to get an alert and grab the one, without a delay. Are you willing to know how a mobile app can benefit your grocery business, just read ahead and get amused further….

  • Benefit #1

Widen your reach

With this point I would request you to come out of your comfort zone, I know it is a bit too hard, but in order to make a pace with the technology, you must do it. When I say convenience it is not only for you to get the orders instantly, but it is a way to reach your customers in a way, which they prefer. Mobiles are everywhere and apps are there to serve every purpose of life, so why not to add a mobile app platform to your business and let the users from different blocks/streets to reach and avail your services.

  • Benefit #2

Time Saving 

In the cities, usually we all are packed with different engagements at different places, which leave us with very condensed time-frame to buy grocery; we want a portal which can allow us to order the fresh stock of grocery with a tap, from the convenient destinations. So a grocery delivery app saves a lot of time for your consumers, leading to much more revenue growth to your business.

  • Benefit #3

New Offer

Many times, when I reach super mart, then only I get to know, any sale or offer for the day, which can be missed easily if I don’t make it to the super mart on that particular day. But with a mobile app, you can share a push-notification to your user’s telling them about the offer of the day, sort of lucrative messages, this will help your user’s to grab the deal instantly and increase your sales.

  • Benefit #4

Brand Awareness

Although it is one of the most obvious benefits of a mobile app, yet I would like to describe further about it. Your mart/super mart/grocery mart may be a great attraction to your vicinity consumers, but you need to expand your business and need to break the seal of comfort bottle, a mobile app for your grocery store, would help you to get noticed by the potential users and your brand would receive its deserving recognition in no time, because the mobile app would remain available to your user’s mobile screen 24/7 without a delay.

Required features of a Grocery mobile app

A mobile app is not an app, unless there are the required features, based on the user’s demand, since grocery app is used daily by users, so there are some ubiquitous features, which must be a part of your grocery mobile app, and this list can be extended further as per your user’s demand. So let’s take a look at some of the most useful features of grocery mobile app, read ahead…

  • Compare Prices

Who doesn’t like to pay less, and when it comes to grocery, we love it, if something reaches us at a competitive price. Your mobile app must contain a feature, which would allow the users to compare the price with their local stores, to grab the best deal from your store.

  • Barcode Scanners

Yes, we all are living in the tech-era and to get the quality products is our right, so give this right to your users, by adding the barcode scanners feature, with this functionality your users would get all the relevant information about their picked products in a second. Also, you would create a loyalty factor between you and your users, so they can trust your store’s products.

  • Payment Convenience

Payment is another important feature of your grocery mobile app, which would ensure the seamless user experience and eliminate the number of errors occurring during the payment option. Since payment is a sensitive issue, so ensure there is enough security methods are undertaken to integrate the payment feature in your mobile apps.

  • Order Tracking 

Once we order online, the next thing revolves that when we shall get the delivery, but with the grocery mobile app, the expectations go a little higher since it is day-to-day usage stuff. With this feature, your users would be able to track their orders and get the estimated delivery time. It will make the shopping experience for your users a blessing and even you would save your time by tracking the status of the delivery boy.

Well, you can include the number of features as per your user’s requirements; you just need to reach out to a top mobile app development company in UAE to address your app development requirements. The sooner you would adopt the app technology the better it would be. Although the most important phase of the app development process after the app concept is choosing the right mobile app development company for your app requirements, since app development is a process, not an event, which needs research, analysis, and integration of right set of technologies, if you fail to get a right mobile app development company, then your app concept can turn into your worst nightmare, which would be money and time wasting both. So you must pick a right mobile app development company like Techugo, for your grocery mobile app requirement, because we have the expertise and the exposure to create a successful mobile app for your business. Our app developers are experienced and have catered the app development services to various businesses’ vertical across the globe.

So don’t wait any longer, just get in touch with Techugo, we are just a call away….

You can reach us at:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

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