10 Jul 2017

Myths About Android App Testing

Android App

The mobile app success leads to better business revenue goals and Mobile app testing is undeniably the major reasons which can make or break the android app and the product brand in a jiffy. Do you find this thought cynical enough? But as per the tech-pundits, the utmost relevance in the app success has to do a lot with app testing. Mobile app testing covers the gap between the app and its success efficiently, so you can never give a MISS to app testing through any means. Many app developers understand the significance well and try to adopt the testing strategies without a fail, yet there are app developers, who feel app testing is important, but the importance is clutched with the testing myths, which halt the deserving success reaching the mobile app door and your business consequently. So today I shall discuss the myths related to app testing and how to cure them, let’s initiate the voyage….

Myth #1

Emulators TESTING Is Sufficient

Testing emulators are indeed a priceless possession during the early stages of app development, but sooner the app development proceeds further, sadly, the support for testing starts to get dimmed with the emulators, since the emulators are present sans chipsets and memory, making it difficult for the developers to grab the full-fledged information about the mobile app performance and any existing bugs. So as an app developer, you need to widen up your horizon, and must only depend on the emulators to test the bugs, rather, you should always pick the real-time device to understand the issues in app performance and give a desired testing result on the plate.

MYTH # 2

Performance And Functionality Are Same

It is a little weird to know that many testers have a belief that if they have tested the app functionality, then it means the app performance is also covered in that. But you need to understand these two are different aspects and have to be tested separately because missing either of these facts would make you fall into the right set of launching a mobile app or running a successful mobile app, so as app testers you need to crosscheck every required testing parameter to cover these both steps efficiently.

Myth # 3

Do not focus on MOBILE SECURITY

It is very sad to know that mobile security which should be the prime concern for mobile app development is taken as a not so crucial part of the app developers, and the worst is, that the security aspect of a mobile app is tested casually since their major focus relies on app features only. I agree that app features and functionality are important to be tested, but you can’t ditch the app security since it is equally important.

MYTH # 4

We Don’t Need Many Android Devices

Android market is vast and growing bigger with the time due to the demand in the market and also to beat the competition race. The Android handsets come along with the variety of chipsets, resolutions, screen size, functionalities and other required technical aspects. A mobile app performance is based largely on these devices and their OSs, but many app developers consider that only a fist-full of Android devices are more than enough to test the mobile app, but hold on since it is an absolute crime to not to test your mobile app on a variety of Android devices, since to make an app successful, largely an app performance is responsible and if your users don’t find mobile app functioning well on their respective devices, then be ready to get numerous dislikes for your mobile app, so as a rule test your mobile app on as many as possible number of Android devices, and do not be rigid with your testing preferences.

MYTH # 5

Testing needs to be done after development

I heard this many times from the app testers, who claim to have a sound knowledge of app testing, but are often confused their testing knowledge by giving app testing a chance only after the app development phase gets over, c’mon how can you even think like that? It is not at all TRUTH…on the contrary, your app development should be accompanied by a thoughtful QA testing, from the initial stage of app development, wherein, you can integrate the testing in three different stages, such as:

Conceptual Testing– where the app concept is validated with the different groups of users/people, helping you understand the major drawbacks of mobile app concept

 Usability Testing– with this, the app build can be uploaded on the interfaces of your mobile app to get it tested by real-time users, before beginning the development phase.

Functional Testing– this testing is performed at every stage of app development and then at the end as well, to test any existing bug/crash or technical error in the mobile app UI.

The above-mentioned methods would help your mobile app to be a clean and neat app since the initial stage till deployment stage.

I know it takes a lot to make an app successful and solely testing cannot be the reason behind app failure, but there are many other responsible factors leading to app success. As a mobile app developer, you must keep a strong eye on every possible factor, which would make an app successful, so your clients can get the maximum benefits from the mobile app platform. On the other hand, if you are planning to get a successful mobile app for your product/services, then you must get it developed from a top mobile app development company in Dubai like Techugo, which has all the required ingredients to make your app go successful from every angle.

At Techugo, our team of experienced app developers and designers has the expertise and the tech exposure to deliver the best app solution for your business requirements. You can get in touch with Techugo team and discuss your app project; it would surely help you to get a unique app solution.

You can get in touch with the Techugo team at:


Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo

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