31 Mar 2017
Updated on June 21st, 2022

How Mobile Apps Simplify Our Daily Life


Vaibhav Sharma

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Mobile Apps Simplify

No matter, how much the mobile apps get famous, or earn a huge round of applause or become a daily need for many of us, yet there is always a section of the society, who always feel that mobile apps only make us dependent and are as futile as a rock on the road. Have you ever come across with such individual? Or someone from your family depicts the same qualities? If am not wrong then at least one person in our vicinity, always share this thought process, thinking Smartphone are still fine, but mobile apps are not worthy…some of you might feel that am speaking all the freaked stuff here, and doubt my sanity, but actually this concept exists in everywhere and quite common in certain families, and mine is also not an exception, where an iPhone is owned with scarcely touched mobile apps in it.

With today’s blog, I intend to share the relevant information sharing the significance of mobile apps in our daily lives, and I hope a particular generation would certainly benefit out of it and utilize the comfort offered by the mobile apps. Let me initiate the voyage of mobile app comforts and convenience for you to complete your daily tasks with mobile apps and learn finally that how mobile apps simplify our daily life.


Do you remember the mobile communication in the form of STD, ISD and also the Skype calls, which have only been the only option till few years ago, when you had to communicate with your son, daughter, friend or a distant relative living in a different city or a different land, both of these, no doubt had been charged on the basis of per minute and did not suit many of us on the monetary front. But then there was the invasion of technology in the mobile technology and mobile apps took birth and a revolution happened, and today we are able to talk with our loved ones through, WhatsApp, Facebook, IMO, Skype, Telegram and many more to bring the comfort of connecting with our loved ones at the maximum with nominal charges of internet pack on your mobile phone, you can talk, text and remain in touch with your near & dear ones without limiting your conversations to once in a month to daily.


Bank, the word releases a sudden spark in the brain, of people standing in queues waiting for their turn and babbling the different speeches with extreme voice modulation and forceful body gestures to gate-crash the bank doors. Puff!! That is too much to think about, but it is actually the scenario outside every bank, you can’t deny. Again the mobile app technology helped the banking issues to deal with and has offered the online banking option for the convenient monetary transaction and no stress of standing in the queues with a disturbed thought process. You only have to make some taps on your mobile app and your desired action would take place in less than a second.


You have to go to a business meeting, family function, trip or any other relevant situation to commute, in the early days you dependent on the Auto, private taxi and borne their unwanted fare charges and unavailability, this all accumulated, took a toll on your monthly budget and your scheduled timings. The mobile app technology has eased down the pain of unnecessary charges and unavailability of the computing resources with the app-based taxi apps, which let you travel from one place to another without any hassle involved and you can track your ride and get the e-receipts on your registered mobile or e-mail to keep a track on your commuting cycle. You are not restricted to travel only at a particular time, but with app-based taxi service you can book and enjoy your ride at any point of the time throughout the day.


How many times you have left 2-3 Rs with your grocer, a local milkman, taxi, and auto with an excuse of not having change, or have you ever fallen into a situation where you could not withdraw cash from your bank ATM and was left in the lurch at the time of payment. Well mobile apps again have the solution for you in the form of mobile payments, where the payment mobile apps are the best reason for you to secure your payment transaction and pay exactly and accurately whatever is required and get out of the claws of sharing the cash and pay as much as you are charged with a simple tap on your mobile app.


We all want good education for our kids and it would be very uncommon to say that quality education is free of cost, but it is very common and feasible with education mobile apps, which are available for all academic years with intuitive design and interactive mode, to give a better and more professional learning platform for your kids under the tutelage of experienced academicians of their respective fields.


I love all types of music, it feeds me from every angle, whether I am distressed, happy, bored, feeling nostalgic, followed by a myriad of feelings which come across to you. Like me, there are many, who feed on music to suppress their pain or explore their glad tidings. The music mobile apps are a treat for the music lovers; the user can explore different genres without being bored or searching in different places.

This all I have written on the basis of my personal choices, for which I use the mobile apps frequently daily without a fail, on the other hand, there can be an infinite addition to this list, depending on your choices and wish-list. There is a huge variety of mobile apps available in the app market; you only need to install the ones which fit your requirement list and enjoy the hassle-free daily routine with pertinent mobile apps. I hope my personal sharing would help you to gain a better insight of how mobile apps make our daily lives more productive and less hectic…just don’t wait to go to your app store and download your needed mobile apps right now.

Also, if you hold a business which has not got a mobile app yet designed for it, then you don’t need to wait for any longer and you can make a smart choice of attaining best mobile app for your vertical, which would be designed and crafted especially for you and from the hands of the app industry experts, only at Techugo- which is indeed a top mobile app development company and has gained popularity across the globe and has been acknowledged by the top listing websites: Clutch, GoodFirms, AppFutura and Extract.

At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.

You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach us at:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

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