12 Dec 2016
Updated on May 11th, 2020

Should you be worried about app privacy? (Updated)

mobile app privacy

With the ongoing mobile apps passion, people love to flood their mobile memory with all sorts of mobile apps. Mobile apps are a tradition these days rather than being a simple trend since mobile apps turn useful for the most productive task accomplishment and provide us knowledge, location, entertainment, and many other things, which would cover the page if I would start to pen down. 

Apart from providing some of the greatest convenience, the loophole is that Smartphone apps can also invade your mobile app privacy.

Find it shocking?

Yes, it is shocking and scary as well, but the harsh core fact is that apps can track your web habits, look into your contact list, track your location, and examine your files and more. 

They can also automatically send information such as location data to mobile ad networks. Once an ad network receives the personal information, then a hocus-pocus recipe of your genuine profile is served to the marketing companies.

Is there a way to protect your app?

After reading the first section, the first thing which has come in your mind is that how can you protect yourself and still enjoy the mobile app’s privacy on your phone. So the answer is that there is no way to know whether apps are indeed sending your info to third parties, but you can protect your privacy with precautions, handled on time.

You need to follow few tips to carry out this process, such as:

Be extra cautious while giving Permission!

 You must know that not a single app shouts clearly to invade your privacy, but they ask for permission, such as a single-player game asks for permission to send SMS messages. It is a clear warning sign since a game app does not require any need to send text messages. Just don’t simply tap on agreeing on the button, but handle wisely the permission section.

Think before sharing your personal information

The “Read contact data” permission presents the actual privacy issues since it means the apps can view all of your contact information. Although, this information is highly needed by some of the apps, such as social networking apps, Skype, and many others, to function, so be a smart reader and then click the button.

Check out device storage

Many apps such as camera, music, file management, seek the permission “Modify/delete SD card contents” but in many other apps, where it is not relevant, it turns out to be a potential privacy risk, because it allows the app to write information to your SD card, and access the data from it as well. 

Never conceal your location

Apart from the GPS-based app or network-based app, seek your location details, never give it, since that would be a way to invade your privacy through your location identification. You can ensure the privacy from the above-mentioned steps, but for the existing or updated apps, your privacy is still on a stake but you can still be saved just by opting for a few simple steps. 

Have a look :

For Android Device

  • To access the App Permissions settings
  • Select Settings
  • Select Apps
  • Tap on the icon to Configure Apps
  • Select App Permissions (here you would find a list of each permission)

To play safe, you can also turn off your phone’s location services.

  • Tap the Menu key
  • Select Settings
  • Select location
  • Turn it Off

It would turn off all location tracking, but you would also not be able to use any location services. Although you can turn on this service by installing a home screen widget that lets you turn services on and off. For the update part, you should check the permissions for the updated version, since there might be chances that the developer has changed the set of permission in the updated version.

For iOS Device

Apple is quite sophisticated with its security aspect. While reviewing every app, Apple verifies the minuscule details about the app. The hectic and rigid process of reviewing does work in favor of iOS apps. On the other hand, the liberty given to developers is very limited in the iOS device, which improves the iOS app’s security. Although there are iOS apps that request to access your personal data, so here again, you have to play the safe game of reviewing the app reviews.

Do the proper research

 Before you install an app, you need to keep in mind a few important things and consider below-mentioned suggestions:

  • Number of downloads, the app has got
  • Permissions- which set of permission the app seeks
  • Check the reviews app has received

Smartphone adoption would continue more in the future and apps from all the major platforms would go through the threat of privacy invasion less or more and users must be extra careful to protect their information being invaded by the unwanted elements. Undoubtedly, the mobile ecosystem is complex and multi-faceted, but the challenges for ordinary users can be minimized by the simple evaluation of mobile apps’ security and privacy risks.

Big-data to combat cyber-threats

With the help of Big-Data, you can take a responsible approach to prevent and manage the risks for ethics, privacy, security, safety and integrity that may arise in mobile apps. 

If you have got an idea of a secure and well-functioning mobile app, then you can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight into your app requirement.

You can reach us at:


Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo

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