29 Jul 2019

Mobile App Development Companies Are Integrating Wearable & App


Ankit Singh

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mobile app development

In recent couple of days, mobile app development companies in India took a sheer turn toward the wearables. And! owing to that the interest of businesses is growing toward this space. let’s take a look over this expansion.

Don’t you think it would be very exciting if we could operate various appliance through our mobile? Have you ever used your phone to switch off your television system or change the channel? Well! this system is already available in modern smart television.

How about wearables? Do you even know about them?

Well! there is a huge demand of mobile app development to connect wearables, not in India only but in the other part of the world also. Therefore, businesses are striving to bring this beautiful art into reality.

Which art?

Art Of Connecting Mobile Apps  With Wearable Devices

Ohh! it is really a great idea and you can see its magnificence among the businesses, who are overwhelmed with the idea to provide a new generation with devices that they can don, and can operate their phone and vice versa.

The connection of this concept is quite old, when there was the time, people used to go for work out without gadgets. And! it is still inconvenient to hold your mobile phone in the pocket connected with headphones and excising.  Though, things have become easier as different types of equipment like belts for phones are available in the market.

Though, still it feels uncomfortable wearing those devices. But! the need and inconvenience brought wearables in the market. A few years earlier, an idea of wristwatch that shows all the necessary information on simple waves of hand was presented by businesses. And ! the arrival of this watch solved problem of various people.

Since Google, Apple, Garmin, and other mobile app development companies brought the notion of wearable application development to people, developers have shown a keen interest in assessing the usability of wearables. Now smartwatches and fitness trackers work along with mobile apps. Therefore,  they monitor several aspects of human body from calculating calories, to monitor sleep, track workout and even detect diabetic issues in human.

Most noteworthy fact is these wearable are promoting sound health and enabling people to track their health condition. Though, could you think that what is behind all of these?


Ahh! that’s not so esoteric, IoT has the big hands in these accomplishments of human. On the broad spectrum of IoT, wearables connected with mobile application is a very  small aspect. Not this technology makes it possible to collect information from surrounding but also enables reciprocation of data between various channels. Though, there is one aspect that is boosting up the development of such application. Take a look!!!!!!!

Attraction Of  Consumers Toward Wearables

Can you think what makes wearable apps so popular?  Why people have this earnest to wear devices on their body and access the information on their mobile phone?

There is one aspect that tempts users, that they can use the devices in any situation as they don them on their body. It means people don’t need to carry them in their hands. They can just simply operate them while roaming here and there. They can connect with internet, and can sustain the online availability.

Altogether, you have convenient access to all your important emails and messages at late in the nights, in dawns, in gym or everywhere. This is just because it is very essential to be online and get all the real-time data, in this contemporary world.

It seems that you haven’t recognized that wearables are pretty much like mobile phones!. Well! the fact is wearables do similar functions that a mobile phone does.  Though, the major difference is degree of portability.

Ohh! let me whisper the secret, ” wearables are more portable than mobile phones…”.

Yes!  you heard me correct that these devices are more easier to carry as they stick with your body and does everything for that it has programmed. Have you heard about the “nod ring”? It is a device that enables you to start programs on your laptop, phone and run the smart home system with just a few waves of your hand or a  button given on the device.

There are many other, wirelesses and wearable device that aid human operating various devices remotely, as Aira – wearable glass tells blind people the ways and obstacles in the way. Though the work of IoT is commendable in this space, and this technology is the only aspect that surging the development of wearable applications.

IoT Surging Mobile App Development Practice

This superlative technology is spreading its wings, and it is expected that soon every industry will be plunged under its shade. Consequently, from smart city, smart homes to smart toys, every increase categories of concept that IoT brings, makes this technology an out of the box concept.  Therefore, mobile applications have a great role in IoT development.

The floodgate of opportunities has broken. As IoT is holding strength to be implemented and transform various industrial verticals. Including, mobile application development for wearable devices. Consequently, IoT is making a number of aspects possible that can transform human life.

Actually, this technology is enabling the development of  application to manage  wearable devices and can have the following functions:

* Repository for data observation, instrumental reading, video, etc.
* Making of the report through analyzing data.
* Managing information (send messages,turn on/off, open/close, share data, send notifications/alerts, etc)

Altogether, wearable effects are capable of changing the design process of mobile apps. Altogether, the trend of wearing smart devices will take human towards a new future and will show up various new opportunities. Consequently, the zeal is fuming up inside the industry, as developers are deeply inspired and committed to bring such aspects and address issues like performance, authorization, integration etc.

Though the question is why it is essential to pair up mobile app and  Wearables? Here are prospects that make it essential.

* For the rapid expansion of wearable market
* Narrow down the struggles for new companies that striving to enter in the space

Surely, these two reasons are enough for the endeavors taking place in this place.

At mobile app development companies in India like Techugo, developers are also joining the revolution and delivering various outstanding applications bestowed with unmatched capabilities. To glean more insights, catch up with us.

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