7 Jun 2018
Updated on July 24th, 2019

Key Benefits Of Progressive Web Apps


Ankit Singh

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Web Apps

Recently during one of the meetings our CTO exclaimed that Progressive web apps are going to rule the app technology and are going to stay here longer, on listening to this, the entire brood of techies nodded and started discussing further about this latest trend in the app technology field.

But I being a non-technical person, wanted to know more about this concept, and I decided to take a full details about the Progressive web apps from our CTO- Preeti Singh, and came out with an idea to pen down this discussion in the form of this post for my readers, so they can get explore the facts and details about the Progressive web apps.

So here is the post available today for you which has the excerpts of the conversation between me and our CTO. Please read ahead to get more information…


As the name suggests, the progressive web application is basically a website, which looks and behaves like a mobile app, and to keep the tempo of excitement up, it can be added on your Smartphone’s screen, you can send push notifications, can access the device hardware and also work offline.

Wow, that’s great… J

Yes, I know and that is the reason I think it is going to be the future of the app technology…

Hmmm…ok can you tell me some more benefits to be availed from the progressive web apps???

Yes sure…

There are various benefits you can avail from the progressive web apps, such as:

It Is Available On Offline Mode

As we know in some certain cases, when there is no internet connection, websites are absolutely limited to be displayed properly. On the other hand, mobile apps are often self-contained, allowing users to browse the app when not online, thus increasing the engagement and availability greatly. With an offline mode, any information can be saved automatically during the last online access. The offline page can be completed with a brand logo, some information and there even can be some advanced features.

For example, from this can benefit businesses with the product catalogs that people can view in the offline mode as well. As a result, there would be a potential increase in customers’ retention & engagement rates.

  • App Performance Is Much Faster

The very name of the progressive web apps indicates that these apps progress faster and let the users access the required services with no glitch at a higher speed.

This is majorly possible due to the stack up of technology which is the foundation of this technology, consisting of caches, text, stylesheets, images and rest of the content on the websites.

Consequently, the user experience is enhanced with the seamless and the bug-free experience.

  • Easy Install With No Tension

When you take a look at the mobile apps, then every user needs to first download and then install the mobile app, which takes time and they have to bear the brunt of the slow connection.

But with the Progressive web apps, these issues don’t exist anywhere, and it lets the users download the mobile app directly onto their device without a fail, which brings up the convenience factor to the next level in accessing the service from the users’ perspective.

  • Market With Push Messages Effortlessly

You know very well, that every mobile app is developed with a sole purpose of gaining the advantage for the business, in this run every app owner wants to try every possible measure to begin the app promotion and marketing.

With progressive web apps, there are multiple options which can help the marketers to implement different features, such as push notification and the publishers and developers have the complete control over the implementation strategies and create the innovative ways to keep the users stay hooked.

  • Go Live Without Publishing

Unlike the normal apps, the progressive web apps don’t require to be published in the play stores and it saves a lot of tie for the developers, because getting the app published on the app stores require a process to be followed and it needs a series of instructions and the guidelines to be taken into consideration, which really triggers the time factor further to a new dimension, so with progressive web apps developers can truly escape from this hurdle.

  • No, Wait For The Approvals

In the mobile apps, any new update cannot be done instantly rather there is a process to be followed, wherein the stores provide the approval on an update, before making it live, which delays the urgency of an instant update.

But with the progressive web apps, the updates can be automatically downloaded and updated whenever users would re-launch the app.

 –Ok, that’s impressive indeed, can you please tell me that why mobile app development companies must adopt this technology?

You must be aware of the fact that

 53% of mobile site visits are usually abandoned if a mobile app takes longer that takes longer to 3 seconds to load.

In this context it is getting very harder for the businesses to survive relying on the mobile app traffic, thus a progressive web app would clear this void and will make an interactive bridge between the users and the services to let their requirements to get meet.

Well, is there anything else you want to know any further…?

Nopes, the information given is enough for me and my readers to help you understand the PWA’s facts and the benefits clearly. Thanks, Preeti for your time…it has really been great to share an insight with you about Progressive web apps.

Ok…this is all about the Progressive web apps; on the other hand, if you are looking for a progressive web app developed for your business needs, then you must get in touch Techugo to help you build a unique and one of the most innovative mobile app solution for your business needs.

And last but not the least; keep watching this space for more tech-filled information to help you keep updated…

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