7 Mar 2016
Updated on May 5th, 2020

iOS 9.3- A Chic Piece Of Technology


Ankit Singh

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My first very OWN iphone 6 came as a reliever to me after a long and tumultuous period of my finals. Year 2014 had swirled me from every aspect; college finals, future plans, career, family pressure not to forget peer pressure, all led me ultimately to my first hand ever depression, but something got eased within me, once I saw my name in college-list of toppers, second and the biggest reliever was my very first OWN iphone 6 gifted by my brother for my result. I found my phone exclusive, perfect and vibrant with technology. I was highly satisfied with my ideal piece of mobile till the launch of iphone 9.3.

Well, 4th March’16, brought me the first update in the morning, was a “sleek innovation in the form of iPhone 9.3”. The information mentioned on google was adequate for me to peruse this version’s bit to bit. I reached to a conclusion, after my research, undeniably iOS 9.3 is the transformative design produced by the iPhone and iPad in the years. Apple has packed its new software with various and trendy features that may mutate the existing mobile technology. Primarily feature which popped my eyeball is keeping a track of your company,on being spied by your employer. Though it might sound harsh to many of the employers….but it’s an exemplary change in the technology.

Another feature Night Shift, is to control the blue light levels emitted from your screen. “Many studies have shown that exposure to bright blue light in the evening can affect your circadian rhythms and make it harder to fall asleep,” according to Apple.So, being an engineer, I am ultimately a night person and this feature would be proven a blessing to me, as phone screen would automatically tints to warmer colors.

“iOS in Education”, is a unique Apple suite lets students log into any iPad in any classroom and pick up where they left off. It comes with Photo IDs to denote profiles and simple passwords for younger students. It has a new Classroom app to teach-guided lessons, to ensure the students follow along.

You can secure the notes that contain your most personal data ,such as financial details, medical info or website logins with a password or just a fingerprint.

Not to mention, a good deal of other useful features is available here ; support for students, Apple Notes locked behind a password and tweaked News, Health and Apple CarPlay apps.

Although, the final iOS 9.3 launch date in India hasn’t officially been announced, but this mobile appears to be full-fledged with features and I am eager to keep it in my pocket.

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