7 Apr 2017
Updated on April 5th, 2023

Google Play Music All Access Now In India


Ankit Singh

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Google Music App

Last year around the mid-July 2016, we published an article about Google Play Music, you can check more about it here: ENTICING MUSICAL JIBES. This article explained how Google Play Music made an entry into the Indian market, which was indeed a relief and today again we have brought some trending news about the Google Play Music and music lovers can feel the difference. Let’s check out the news further…

All Access Play Music

We all know that Google Play Music went live in India last year, and it offered the users to buy and download the millions of tracks at the cost of 15 INR ($0.20), but sadly all access of Google Play Music, subscription service which cost $9.99 in the U.S., was not available at launch in India.

But now Google has taken an initiative to make it go live at the minimal cost of 89 INR per month ($1.4). It is a deal not to miss at any level since user receives the unlimited access to Google Play Music’s huge list of music catalog. As of now, Google is offering a 30-day trial, with unlimited music from the International and Indian chartbusters in the catalog.

Since Android Market has an impressive share in India, it would be much accessible for the Google to pave its way for success.  Google play music would allow the users to utilize the service as an app and web and download the tracks to listen offline. The affordable pricing offered by Google makes Google Play Music tempting enough and would let the customers enjoy it to the fullest. Get ready and pull your socks to enjoy Google Play Music service at the most affordable cost.

For the music lovers, technology has always extended its hands and the final result has always been way too soothing for the ears. Mobile app technology is one of those beautiful creations of technology, which has been a blessing for the music lovers. If you are also looking for a Music App to be developed, then you must get in touch with Techugo, which is a top mobile app development company, and would consult, brainstorm, manage your project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.

You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach us at:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

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