26 Sep 2019

Flutter 1.9 & Dart 2.5 Are Officially In

Gunjan Manral

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Flutter 1.9

Flutter has always created a FLUTTER!

This we all agree with, Flutter despite being from the technological domain has won the hearts of every business and the industry and indeed app development has risen to a new level along with.

No don’t take me wrong am not at all here to talk about the greatness Flutter platform holds within, but this very post is all about sharing some new hot updates about Flutter.

Are you ready to take a ride?

So let’s sail ahead….

Recent Google Developer Days China event witnessed the official launch of updated Dart 2.5 programming language and the BRAND new Flutter 1.9.

Let’s not waste any further moment and figure out what more Flutter is ready to bring to the table…

What New Dart 2.5 has got to offer?

To begin with, Dart is a Google’s programming language, utilized for crafting the impeccable mobile, web, desktop and backend apps.

The latest Dart 2.5 has the following advantages, like:

  • The fusion of Machine Learning with Intelligent Code Completion

ML has been ruling the technology in every possible space and this very technology would mark a remarkable change in the development as well.

Yes, you heard me all correct!

Now Machine Learning will assist developers to write Flutter and Dart apps with accuracy. Developers can preview the code completion with Dart 2.5.

The ML system is backed by TensorFlow Lite and the open-source Dart repositories, which are available on GitHub. It works on suggesting the relatable options rather than giving in alphabetical order.

Indeed, this very feature would end the limitless browsing through the list of possible completions in typed programming languages. This model utilizes the way to predict the next symbol as the API would grow and the developer types.

  • Regular Expressions and the Likes

Dart realm; a new version is supporting many ways to define Constant Expression. Dart 2.5 has got the update, that helps the developers to integrate casts and control flow and collection spread features.

It is expected that in the very next release Google will bring extension methods to make the non-nullable references by default.

  • Calling C code right from Dart using Dart FFI Library

Not every developer is well-equipped with the technical knowledge or the intricacies of the language, so this very benefit would be a blessing.

As per this new announcement, an app developed using the programming language and framework now would get access to system APIs and libraries written in C for Android NDK and desktop platforms.

Before the launch of this feature, calling C straight from Dart was possible, but with the limits of deep integration within the Dart VM, and that also required the help of native extensions.

But this very issue has been addressed by Google, wherein the mechanism would let the great performance, to be accessed with the ease of approach and usability across supported platforms and compilers.

Also, the latest update, Dart-C interop will let the enabling of two cases:

  • Calling into a system API supported by C on the host OS
  • Calling into a library supported by C

Further to this, the new dart:ffi library can be tried and tested on a Dart dev channel or Flutter master channel.

What more you will get in Flutter 1.9?

The latest fad in the app development industry is the Flutter framework and the continuous updates and the changes it has brought lately are really helping the developers from every possible corner to craft better and seamless solutions.

In this league, Google has launched Flutter 1.9 which fully supports iOS 13 and macOS Catalina, and it is extremely surmising to know that now it has got advanced tooling, better material widget, and exciting Dart-based features.

Features of Flutter 1.9

  • New Material Widgets Support

The Material design has not escaped the eagle eye of Flutter and in the 1.9 version, there are several new widgets which have been introduced. For instance, now the widgets of text and icon are combined in the ToogleButtons widget and are available as customizable buttons. For addressing, the enhanced user experience for the color-blind users the recoloring a tree of child widgets is very much possible now with The ColorFiltered widget.

  • Flutter for Web

Google has decided to give a perfect mélange of extreme user-experience to the users, hence Google has merged Flutter web repository with the main repo, that brings a unified Flutter repository.

It simply helps the developers to craft the apps for mobile, desktop and web using the same codebase.

  • iOS 13 and macOS Catalina

Are you ready for iOS 13? So is Google!

Now Google has transmuted the end-to-end tooling experience to allow 64-bit support across the toolchain and that has resulted in making the platform dependencies easier than before.

Now Flutter 1.9 is also supporting the draggable toolbar of iOS 13, consisting of long-press, drag-from-right features, and vibration feedback.

  • Multiple Language Support

Who would have thought that Flutter would be speaking your language?

Isn’t it enticing enough???

So get ready to be surprised that Flutter is going to speak your regional language without a fail. It will range from Albanian, Afrikaans, Amharic, Azerbaijani, Assamese, Bengali, Basque, Belarusian, Burmese, Gujarati, Georgian, Icelandic, Kyrgyz, Kannada, Lao, Malayalam, Macedonian, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sinhalese, Telugu, Uzbek, and even Zulu.

  • Improved Toolchain

Flutter 1.9, will let every new project to be shifted to Swift by default instead of Objective-C for iOS projects and Kotlin instead of Java for Android projects.

Swift 5 is ABI stable, and the dynamic libraries it owns, do not require distribution packages for iOS 12.2, consequently, that reduce the Swift apps’ size and for Android project the default language is Kotlin.

Last but not the least Google developer day was ever exciting and was full of tech-enthusiasts who are all set to take the development to the next level with the technological advancements.

Considering it is very likely that Google shall be bringing more updates and the technical innovations to help development field and eventually that would create a stir among the innovation pool.

But who would keep you updated???

Ahh, no need to grow panic, because we at Techugo are investing best of our efforts to bring you the latest tech news. So just stay hooked to our blog space and get the latest tech news coming your way!

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