20 Jun 2018

Elements Of A Successful App Landing Page


Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

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App Landing Page

It sounds so easy for the app owners to garner the attention from the targeted audience, but eventually, this is a hard nut to crack, due to the number of mobile apps pre-existing in the mobile app market, which makes the survival chances for your app, get tougher.

To combat this issue many marketing strategies are followed and are been given a try by the app marketers, but out of all one marketing strategy which is a proven formula for the further success of your mobile app is the app landing page.

Yes the app landing page is that portal, which opens a pool of users’ traffic to land on your mobile app and help it grow successful, but the ever-growing competition has thrown a bullet in the background of the app marketing making it tough to survive with a common landing page, hence it is very much required from your end to integrate some special features in your app landing page, so it can work in accordance with its basic functionalities.

My intent to come and share the views here with this post is just to draw your attention towards some of the essentials which must be a part of your app landing page.

Just read ahead…

Keep The Prominent Name And Logo

I don’t need to mention it again, but just for the quick recap; your app landing page works as a branding tool for your app and business, hence it must have some of the most prominent features, such as app name and logo.

If your app landing page does not give the clear hint of your app name and does not march with the logo, then you lose the battle then and there. Most of the time it has been observed that users love the app concept, but due to unclear app name and logo they cannot recognize and remember it for long.

Use easy-understand font family and font size, no need to play with the style which would only confuse the users further.

Keep The Headline Short But Clear

People have less time, to spend on your app landing page, so you need to play around that need and o must keep your headline succinct, relevant and catchy to grab readers’ attention in that quick span of time.

You need to shout aloud with your app headline that what exactly your app does.

Don’t play around with the words, because this is not the place to attempt that strategy.

If your headline takes few minutes for the users to understand then it does not serve the purpose.

The right headline must not consume the efforts and time from the users to understand, work on it.

Keep it clean and easy to comprehend.

Clear Call to Action

The app landing page must give the right call-to-action to the users.

If your app is not live, then it must say the ‘Coming Soon’ with the contact details, so if users want then they can leave their views and opinions on it.

On the other hand, if your app is live, then there must be the download links for your apps.

With the right CTA, you allow your users to understand that what exactly they must follow in order to access your app.

Integrate Video

Videos on your mobile app landing page work as the cherry on the cake.

It not just helps the users to know the real-time information about your app’s functionalities and the features but it also includes the interesting quotient on your mobile app landing page.

Don’t make the LONG video, keep them short, and pick the right screens and the features to be flaunted there.

Don’t forget, videos are the best marketing strategy, since they are quick to watch and are easy to consume, so give your users every reason to download your app after watching the app video.

With the app landing page you give an exposure to your users, to come and fall in love with your mobile app, thus you must get the best app landing page in its UI and UX as well, with the help of a leading mobile app development company and step on the success milestone for your mobile app.

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