19 May 2020
Updated on December 15th, 2022

EdTech startup Knowledgehook has launched a remote learning platform in Ontario


Ankit Singh

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education app

The scope of the online education app has pushed virtual schooling to the global forefront. Although the concept of getting education through digital mode, is nothing new, the increasing number of universities and schools shutting down their campuses, has given rise to remote learning.

Many countries across the world are embracing online learning to contain the spread of Coronavirus. And this has further provided an opportunity to the edtech industry to prove its worth.

We all know that global schools have shut down in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. And this has further provided an engaging platform to Millions of young learners being educated through different online portals.

Indeed, the prospect of online education will garner a more prominent role as school systems would adjust to the post-pandemic world. And it is expected that online education will eventually become an integral component of school education.

Why you cannot ignore online education apps amid pandemic?

During a time where at-home learning is the only learning, online education apps are making a difference!

It goes without saying but the online education app has offered a silver lining to the disruption caused by the Coronavirus. These apps have offered a quick measure for the students and educators to bridge the learning gap. And this digital platform has offered a way to handle their requirements efficiently.

A report suggests, worldwide there are currently more than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic.

The sophisticated form of education has turned into an interactive and engaging model with the online mode. And in this run, many companies are bolstering capabilities to provide a one-stop-shop for teachers and students for a hassle-free education system.

Knowledghook ready to revolutionize the online education system in Ontario

Yeah, you heard it right! Kitchener-Waterloo-based EdTech startup Knowledgehook has associated with the Ontario Ministry of Education. And with this move, it aims to deploy its newly-launched remote learning platform in all 72 school districts in the province.

This new initiative will help the students in Grades 3 to 10, to attain mathematics education from home and gain knowledge via lessons and exercises.

Also, Knowledgehook Open Access would assess students’ performance against the province’s learning objectives. This will offer insights and progress reports to teachers and parents via online examination notes.

Travis Ratnam, CEO of Knowledgehook, said, “This platform is a continuation of our mission to advance math education, and inspire the problem solvers of tomorrow, it is also our attempt to maintain normalcy for students and families, during a time where at-home learning is the only learning.”

How this step will help Canadians?

Due to COVID-19 pandemic schools across Canada had to shut their premises for the last three months. Even the publicly-funded schools in Ontario were closed since March 14, as per the ministerial order from Education Minister Stephen Lecce.

This has encouraged the province to work upon the secured partnerships with the private sector. This has created a support system for the citizens to practice home learning during school closures.

However, much before partnering with Knowledgehook, the province had associated with Rogers Communications and Apple to purchase iPad devices with free Rogers LTE wireless data.

Knowledgehook’s flagship platform would help in analyzing student understanding through assessments. Further, it will also offer personalized solutions, that will bridge the learning gaps between classroom teaching and at-home learning.

Education Minister Stephen Lecce, stated “As students become more digitally-inclined, our ministry has been investigating EdTech tools to support teaching and learning. Further, we know learning online is vital which is why we’re proud to partner with Knowledgehook, an Ontario-based company trusted by many educators and school districts across the province, to provide more educational opportunities to even more students.

Future of online education apps

COVID-19 invaded our lives with a bang, where we couldn’t grasp the ways to deal with. However, here technology has been our savior, which has paved a way for us to embrace this sudden shift. Now, online education is the NEW norm, but many out there are still wondering whether the adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-pandemic?

So you must know that online education is nothing new to the world, only it has gained sudden surge due to COVID-19.

The Year 2019 witnessed global edtech investments reaching $18.66 billion in 2019 and it is expected that by 2025 the overall market for online education would reach $350 Billion.

Whoaa! that’s whooping digits, and clearly mention the need for pedagogic flexibility that can be enhanced further with digital improvisation.

The COVID-19 pivot to online education has brought the fact in the limelight that technology is bound to offer best-planned digital education offerings to us.

Techugo is your reliable technology partner!

COVID-19 has taught us all to value the emotional and relational nature of online education through app technology.We all have reached a point where hundreds of millions of students, teachers, and parents, are receiving the first-hand experience from digital technology. With online classes in Toronto, they get a better sense of accessing knowledge in engaging and effective ways.

In a nutshell…

The online education apps are here to stay for longer, hence it is incumbent upon all of us to explore its full potential. At Techugo, we can help you bring your education business on the digital platform.

Give us a call today and secure your FREE 30 min app consultation from the industry experts.

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