8 Jun 2017
Updated on December 29th, 2022

How To Earn Business Through Promotional Website


Ankit Singh

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Not every business is lucky enough to earn the business from its targeted customers efficiently; it takes a lot more than the dedication and passion to get a deserving platform for your website to attain success. It is possible through some beneficial and key elements to make a business successful in a true sense. Monthly many businesses make their entry into the respective fields and what they get in return is not so mesmerizing all the time. Although a quite a bit of the business gets the success button pushed perfectly in the first go and others are left on the fate to taste their bitter destiny.

But why does it happen? Why some businesses get clicked, while others lose their way, is it because of some luck, karma or special gestures made in the businesses? Well, the answer for all depends hugely and largely on marketing strategies, which is adopted assertively by every business, but some understand the basic necessity while others neglect and this negligence cause a lot to the businesses and leads to most of the time to permanent failure for your business. Industries in every section, in today’s scenario, are boiling high with the rise in competition fever, and are adopting happily every possible means to get their business acknowledged, one of those tactics to beat the completion is mobile app development. The Mobile app development is a vast field, and picking one particular app marketing strategy at a time, is more fruitful to create an impactful content for the users, so they can understand and explain the mobile app marketing gimmick more effectively.

An Introduction To Promotional Website

Here I would relate to my childhood, when during my summer vacations in Canada, a sales executive visited us, and asked which washing machine we used, and accordingly picked a box from his large Pandora box, which had only initials mentioned on it F & U(marked with a marker), since we had front load, we received a box with initial F. It was actually a white plastic box, with no wrapper on the box, it contained detergent powder with different colors of tiny balls in it. While writing this, I can visualize many kids from Ontario, Canada from 90’s can relate to this when this door-to-door sale was on a high. Well coming back to my point, the sales executive asked my mom to keep a check on certain parameters which were mentioned on the paper, handed along with the powder, and he promised to visit us again after 10 days, after 10 days the executive came again and picked the analytical report from my mother, and after few days came again to hand over the another box with the same specifications and the same process of analysis. The third time the salesman came with a smile on his lips, stating that on based on your experience; we are pleased to offer you 1 year free supply of this detergent and take out the box glimmering in green color, and was written Ariel Future.

So the extract of the story is that P&G promoted their product after the UK, in Canada, but with a twist and before the launch of the product in the market, had already earned the business of many residents of Ontario and other cities. So a Promotional Website does the same for your business, need more clarification, let’s read further:

  • Create A User Base Before The App Launch:

The best and the key benefit of a promotional website is, that it lets you earn a potential user base, much before the app launch. Lemme explain; with the other app marketing tactics, you can give a deserving recognition to your mobile app, but only once when app is launched and ready to be downloaded, but when it is still in the development process, then you need to only wait, but NOT with a promotional website, here you don’t need to WAIT, rather, you can shout aloud about your mobile app, when it is still in the development process, making the marketing an effective piece for your mobile app.

  • Help You Earn The Business:

Every business gets the revenue growth from a mobile app, if followed correctly, but to EARN a business is not a cup of tea for every business domain, since it involves connecting with your users, from the birth of a mobile app, so with a promotional website, you can connect and relate to your user base at a much faster pace.

  • Increase Your GOOGLE Ranking:

I concur with you, that SEO services help the businesses go higher on Google ranking, but hold on, it does TAKE TIME, it is a time-consuming episode, which generally gives the result in 2-3 months, but with a promotional website, you can hit the organic search on Google for your app project, much before its launch even.

  • Your APP Is A Hit Before Launch:

As stated above, a mobile app with a promotional website strategy can work in the favor of attaining a user base much before its launch and make your app become an instant hit amongst the users. Your potential users would yearn for your mobile app, after assessing the promotional website.

What To Include In The Promotional Website

A promotional website nowadays is very much in demand, because the clients do understand that EARNING a business is the long way to survive in the industry, then to do simple business. Mobile apps are the greatest resource these days to reach your potential customer base, and a right set of app marketing strategies coupled with it, just increase the chances of business survival in the market. Although there are certain Do’s Don’ts to be considered religiously before making the promotional website. Take a look here:

  • Your Promotional website should not be a replica of your mobile app
  • Do not make it boring, but keep it interactive
  • Add app teasers and videos
  • Keep the website content crisp and succinct
  • Keep adding the app functionalities and the features information so the users remain glued
  • Make website’s look and content appealing enough


With this all you can rule your business domain since by the time your app would be ready, there would be satisfactory user base already available for your mobile app, and it will trigger the number of downloads, within the few hours of its launch. Yes, you need to come up to the expectations of your users, and your app must meet the every single app detail you mentioned in the promotional website, for which you need to hire a top mobile app development company like Techugo, where we deliver, what we promise. At Techugo, we also integrate the Promotional Website strategy on our client’s project, leading to a massive number of clients to receive the success on their hands efficiently. To know more about Techugo marketing mantras, please get in touch with our team, and explore how we can help you succeed your brand with our proven app marketing strategies.

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