13 Jun 2016
Updated on July 24th, 2019

Crunchy Sound of iOS 10 Grapevine

iOS 10

Nothing goes wrong with most of us when we get a jittery feel, after listening to the speculations related to upcoming iPhone 10. There is nothing new to mention that iOS 9 had been around for a while, but something which gives me Goosebumps when it comes to Apple, then there is nothing in the iPhone, which makes me go against the brand, but I yearn for more every time, since there are constant alluring features in different iPhone handsets, which keep on releasing.

We all know iOS 9 has been fluttering in the market for a few months and now something big everyone is eyeing is related to the announcement of Apple’s next mobile operating system, iOS 10. The question which is on every body’s lips is “What’s the release date of iOS 10?” Although it’s a hard core fact that Apple usually or I would say typically, Apple announces, every new iOS device, in every June at its WWDC event in the US, with the final release date scheduled to coincide with the launch of new iPhones in the following September: this year, consequently, I also expected iOS 10 to be made available for consumers at some point in September 2016, but no details are yet confirmed, and the internet is flooded with the rumors related to iOS 10.

From the ongoing rumor mills, I have picked my set of favorite features, which I want desperately in upcoming iOS 10. We have been informed that within iOS 10, users will be able to hide Apple’s own apps, such as Stocks, Game Center, Tips and more, so these apps will be invisible on user’s screen. Going on with the speculations, it has been suggested, that iOS 10 will be unprecedentedly difficult to jailbreak thanks to a new security system that Apple is working on called ‘Rootless’. This system “is aimed at preventing even administrator-level users from gaining access to certain file systems on an iPhone, iPad or Mac – though it’s believed that it can be disabled on the company’s desktop OS… Apple has been plugging holes in iOS for years, holes that jail breakers have historically used to gain access to parts of the system that they would normally not be able to interact with. It’s this opening up of iOS at a fundamental level that is likely to be thwarted by Apple’s ‘Rootless’ technology, leaving jail breakers very much at the beginning of what could be a long and difficult journey”, as stated by Redmond Pie.

One another set of rumour we have received is, iOS 10 would have a wonderful feature called: HomeKit hub, possibly called ‘Home’. HomeKit is a healthy fruit from the basket of Internet of Things, this feature would allow the user to control home appliances and other non-traditional connected devices from their iPhone or Mac. Though, Apple has already introduced this feature, but availability of this on an Apple device is still a question. This is followed by the most interesting patent signed by Apple recently, which states that Apple is considering a new feature that would enable iPhone users to view at a glance whether their contacts are available for a conversation, and where they are.

So, I am finally and desperately willing to have these features in iOS 10, regardless of it’s releasing date, and yes…no prize for guessing, whenever it’s going to hit the market, the first place it will find to fit, will be my jeans pocket..

Till then… Happy Waiting!

Manveen Raina

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