18 Nov 2022
Updated on December 28th, 2022

Cost to Develop a File-Sharing App like Zapya!


Shivani Singh

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Cost to Develop a File-Sharing App like Zapya!

Sharing heavy loads of files is not terrifying anymore!

Because we have a robust file-sharing app known as Zapya.

While emails and social media apps take much time to transfer files and distort the quality, an app like Zapya brings the best convenience possible. 

Various businesses have already shifted to a file-sharing app. As time is shrinking and workloads are expanding, entrepreneurs must put their trust in the right tool. So, it’s high time to invest in quality-driven tasks.

You not only bring a decisive shift to your business but also create millions while investing and creating an app like Zapya.

Today, no one wants to stop even for a second, but the old practices of file transfer have made people do so. 

Fortunately, you can be the pioneer of yet another tremendous shift. Just ensure to unveil various factors that let you decide the right cost to develop a mobile app like Zapya.

Now, proceed ahead!

File Sharing App & Its Types!

A file-sharing app consists of the procedure of transferring digital media from one device to another. The sender can send, and the recipient can receive the shared file from any corner of the world with just a few taps. 

That’s not it!

Here are some incredible file transfer types you can choose and build your own application. 

Types of File-Sharing Applications:

Before creating your own file-sharing app, ensure to read about the kinds here:

  • Peer-to-Peer Networks

The peer-to-peer network involves computer hardware and software while eliminating the need for a central server. Users on a different server can access the file when shared with them. Applications like Zapya, Facebook messenger, and email with attachments are examples of this. 

  • File Transfer Protocol Programs

File Transfer Protocol program or FTP method lets you transfer files between a server and a computer over the internet. Users majorly prioritize it for sharing big files among various stakeholders. 

  • Removable Storage Media

Every one of us has already used various removable storage media that involves memory sticks, removable hard drives, and floppy disks to share files from one device to another.  

  • Online File Sharing Services

Have you ever uploaded a written document, PDF, or photo, to an online platform that lets others download and access them from the same platform? 

If yes, you have used the online file-transferring services. Dynamic platforms used by many of us, like Google Drive or Dropbox, are covered under this.

What is Zapya? 

Zapya is a peer-to-peer file-sharing application that lets users transfer files of any size in any format to all platforms without an internet connection. 

From one computer to another or from a mobile phone to a computer, you can share music, videos, documents, photos, and even an entire folder. The speed at which the file transfers is 40 times more than Bluetooth. That’s what deserves the most credit. 

Why Must Create an App like Zapya

How does Zapya Work?

Do you know that the Zapya app has already reached 600 million strong users and is expanding its reach gradually?

Jaw-dropping, isn’t it?

You could also move beyond your expectation if you develop a mobile app like this. However, prioritizing investment over anything is not a good decision. That’s why make sure to understand the working model of the Zapya app. 

File-sharing app maker leverages WiFi tethering or hotspot feature to establish a connection with other smartphones but neglects the use of mobile data. That makes it the first choice of 600 million users. 

How Zapya App Takes P2P File Sharing to a Great Height?

Wondering how cross-platform file-sharing apps like Zapya bring a tremendous shift. Well, all thanks to its incredible features. Some of them are provided below: 

  • Easy to use
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Free file-sharing across different platforms such as Windows XP/7/8/10/Mac OSX, Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8.1, 10, and Web)
  • Zapya can share large files with up to 5MB/second or 120 pictures in a minute.
  • LAN, WAN, or Hotspot are not required for using this app. 
  • Content transferring through QR codes. 
  • Secure file transfer to different file formats. 
  • Built-in media player.
  • Shake to Connect
  • MultiPeer Connectivity for users to share from anywhere. 
  • Group transferring with up to 5 devices.
  • Seamless backup and transfer of files from one smartphone to another. 

Why Zapya? Not ShareIT or any other File Sharing Apps?

Zapya vs. ShareIT

Is this question disturbing you too?

If yes, here you will find the answer. 

To acknowledge the capabilities of Zapya, you must know the slight difference between the two top-notch apps of the same category. 

So, are you excited to learn further?

Move in to proceed!


While the ShareIT app weighs around 15MB, Zapya is the slightest one carrying only 8-10 MB size that fluctuates according to the device. 

Design and User Interface

Mobile app design offers the best user interface. And what makes Zapya an applaud-worthy app is the presence of the feed in a separate tab. Instead of having the feed in every tab like a ShareIT app, which can irritate users, Zapya nailed it while segregating the tab. 


ShareIT app offers a search bar for music and video files, while Zapya provides a universal search bar through that you can find audio, documents, video, and apps. 

Group File Sharing

Again, Zapya wins the heart while ensuring group file sharing up to 5 devices, limited to 4 in another platform. 

Although both offer the same features, experts believe Zapya Go is better to some extent than SHAREit. That’s why you should consider building a file transfer app like the former. 

Why Do Users Love Using Zapya (Peer-to-Peer File Sharing)?

Did you hear the quote that says, “File sharing is our radio; that’s the way people hear our stuff?”

For the corporate world, such solutions are no more than radios. Thus, the benefits of optimizing a mobile app like Zapya are way beyond. 

Do you want to look at why users love peer-to-peer file sharing? Read these pointers!

Benefits of File Sharing for Users!

  • Cost Effective

Sharing a file does not demand any cost or fee. This makes it a cost-effective option. 

  • Access Anywhere

Anytime, anywhere access is the need of today. 

And guess what?

Zapya lets you access and transfers big files with people from all around the world.  

  • Efficient

No denying the fact that Zapya provides an efficient and seamless way to send a file for its users. 

  • Collaboration

Collaboration between team members gets easier when creating cloud computing integration. That also supports editing and comments on the shared files. 

  • No USB

The user doesn’t need a USB to share files, just WiFi access, and everything gets sorted!

  • No maintenance

No servers mean no maintenance to do to continue sharing the file. Just set up, transfer the file, and you are all done. 

  • Quick Download

Quicker downloads save the time consumed in long-term interval downloads and attract users to use this app even more. 

Why do Organizations Rely on File Transfers to Share Digital Information? 

Not just users but organizations also use file transfers to share digital information. Various concern shapes their need for such digital solutions. 

Factors that lift organization's file transfer requirements:

  • Data Volume

As digitization is at a high pace, the requirements for innovative applications that support larger and more diverse files are getting higher. 

  • Security

Security breaches are not a new topic. Unethical access and cyber attacks on data have been haunting businesses for ages. That’s why they are heading towards a securer platform that emphasizes all measures to provide a shield of security. 

  • Big Data and the Internet of Things

Integrating high-graded technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data into a file-sharing app has greatly improved the data transmission speed. Moreover, the data proves to support a more detailed analysis. 

  • Communication

Another big thing that made many businesses adapt to this dynamic file-sharing platform is effective communication. As a peer-to-peer network, Zapya enables companies to create a stronger bond with their employees as the files are shared without intermediaries. 

  • Overall Efficiency

As companies stay connected with their people in the workplace, overall efficiency increases. The task that took time earlier can be tackled in minutes. 

It is indeed a motivating factor for you that both businesses and regular consumers will love your app. 

What Makes a Great File-Sharing Application?

Obviously, the features you added to the app make a tremendous file-sharing solution. 

But what kind of features?

Let’s discuss it here!

Robust Features for Robust File Sharing App

  • High-Speed File Transfer

How do I develop a file-sharing app?

So, to initiate your first step, you must consider why conventional file sharing is outside the marketplace. 

Did you guess the reason?

Yes, it is a high-speed file transfer!

The idea of investing in your own app like Zapya while considering the association of the best app development company is meaningless if you neglect this essential requirement. 

  • Easy to Manage

Ensure that the application is easy to manage!

While investing in SaaS (software as a service) app, you can ensure this thing. Connect with the company that integrates filters that let the user manage the uploaded files seamlessly. 

  • Security

Prioritize security commitment in your solution. As many people will use it to share multiple files containing massive data, protection against unnecessary security breaches must exist. Pick an SSL layer to transmit the file securely and safely. 

  • Sharing Location 

It makes the transfer easy and enables the user to get the document within the specified premises. To provide a more secure path, this could be your shot.

  • Seamless UI and UX

While accessing any file-sharing app or Zapya alternatives, our minds instantly click on how to use the app. That means applications in this category offer a seamless UI and UX and do not require additional training to give to their users. That’s what you need to follow as well!

  • Customization

Customization is the fashion today!

We must recognize the fact that every user has different requirements. 

Thus, you must provide them with rights that let them customize how they want to cater to their needs. 

  • Storage Independence

Instead of providing only one way for storage, ensure that you have both internal and external deployment like the cloud. It lets the users protect assets from unnecessary security breaches. 

  • Shake to Connect

Just shake, and your smartphone is ready to connect with another, having the same app to share files, videos, music, and others. 

Investing in your own app like Zapya while considering the association of the best app development company is only meaningful if you pay attention to these essential requirements. 

Sharing is Caring! But, Ensure It is Secured. 

Building a file-sharing app will only prove successful if it has all the security layers that fight against various kinds of threats and malware accesses. Fortunately, the industry experts will provide you with some assistance in this. However, you must not ignore the risks your user may encounter while sharing the file from one device to another. 

So, let’s unveil the risks that appear while your user is involved in P2P file sharing: 

Risks of P2P File Sharing

  • Malware and Viruses

Various users install robust anti-malware software while utilizing any file-sharing app. 

Do you know why?

Because such apps are sensitive to malware attacks. 

  • Open Portal  

Security issues appear when a user does not close the connection even after successfully sharing the file. Leaving it open allows unauthorized users to copy and share the files. 

  • Poorly Managed Permissions

Users who have misconfigured the settings are more prone to issues. However, vice-versa of it help them access the appropriate files. 

All of these risks can lead to some hazardous effects on your app. Therefore, fight against them while prioritizing partners that provide reliable solutions like SSL and others in your app. 

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App Like Zapya?

A secret recipes is not only required in cooking a mouth-watering dish but also in app development. 

But what’s this recipe?

Every ingredient, from app size, UI design, features integration, functionalities, and platforms, to tech stack, forms a solid recipe for building a robust app.

Yes, that’s right!

You must read further to estimate the cost to develop an on-demand app like Zapya. 

App Design

The simpler the design is, the seamless it is for users to use the app. The three main areas that can influence the cost to develop a file sharing app are: 

  • Color & Appearance
  • App Prototype Design

Our top-notch developers will let you bring the most out of app design. Therefore, don’t forget to contact us at Techugo. 

App Platform

Which platform (Android, iOS, or Windows) do you want to pick for your app to make it live, is your pick. But here is a reason why each one stands out from the other. 

Android ensures a better reach to the audience, while iOS is known for premium functionalities. However, if you want to create an application that runs on each platform, cross-platform app development can take you toward winning. While using the same codebase for building the same applications for two different devices, you can reduce the development cost to 40%. 

Feature Integration

The features you choose for your application also vary its cost. Although app like Zapya, SHAREit, or Xender consists of some basic and advanced features, you can beat the competitive edge while having other top-notch features. Such as: 

Safe & Secure File Transfer

  • Scan barcode for security
  • Ensures encryption method
  • Build a clone file from a sender device

Quick Devices Connectivity

  • Search nearby devices
  • Fast connection via QR code
  • Safe & smooth connectivity

File Sharing in Any Format

  • Upload, Transfer, and Share Files
  • PDF, Multimedia, & Files
  • Quick & Fast File Transfer

Interactive Multimedia Functions

  • In-App Video & Music Player
  • View Videos in Offline Mode
  • Enable High-Resolution Videos

Other File Sharing Features

  • File Transfer History
  • Chat Option
  • Real-time Location Sharing

App Size

Another essential factor that you must pay attention to is app size. It also influences the cost. If there are more irrelevant features and add more to the size, the price may get high. Also, the user may face issues while running the file-sharing app. That makes them instantly uninstall the application. Therefore, ensure that the app size is relevant. 


Additional features can increase the duration. For instance, if the app that is supposed to be developed in one month takes some days more due to your new recommendations, the cost would surely get a bit high. 

Tech Stack

The sort of technology you choose for your file sharing app will impact its cost. Flutter, AngularJS, ReactJS, Python, Stripe, Kotlin, Nodes, and Java are used to build file sharing apps. You can pick the best ones while consulting with your technology partner and thus determine the last price. 

All of this influences the price of an app, whether it be the cost of money lending mobile app development or an app development like Zapya. So ensure to book a consultation with our experts at Techugo to discuss it efficiently. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How Does Zapya Work?

Zapya leverages WiFi tethering that ensures 200x file sharing than Bluetooth. While creating a WiFi hotspot that supports IP addresses, users can establish a connection between mobile phones and thus share a file. 

  • Is Zapya app good?

Yes, the app is quite efficient for sharing big files in a few minutes. Moreover, various users use it to share games, music videos, movies, and other files.  

  • How fast is Zapya?

Zapya ensures a faster file sharing experience with 50 MB/s in file transfer speed while integrating with Nearby Service. 

  • How to create a file sharing app like Zapya? 

To create your file sharing app, you must first figure out the app’s features, technologies, revenue model, and platform. Then, consultation with the right app development company will lead you ahead to turn this dream of yours into reality.

  • Do you provide maintenance after developing an app?

Yes, we do provide high-end services to deliver 100% customer satisfaction. For us, the journey starts with the deployment of the project. So, don’t be worried about your app maintenance. 

  • How much does it cost to develop an app like Zapya?

Well, it majorly depends on various factors like app platform, design, feature integration, duration, and tech stack. 

Create a Progressive Milestone with Techugo!

To develop such an innovative app, an alliance with industry experts is the need today. Now that you have developed a better understanding of why and how you should build an app like Zapya, it’s time to create a progressive milestone with Techugo. 

But how will we help you?

From ideation to deployment, our high-graded experts will move mountains with all the power to show you an incredible path toward success. 

Connect with us anytime, anywhere and start working on your dream project because you dream, we dare.

Happy Innovative!


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