12 Jun 2017
Updated on May 9th, 2019

How To Turn Your Business Profitable With Android Apps


Ankit Singh

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android app development

Since it’s introduction in 2008, the smart phones have taken the world by storm, with over 75% of people accessing the internet through Android platform, a mobile OS by the technological giant, Google. Recent studies and surveys have shown that an average mobile user spends approximately 3 hours daily on his smart phone and 47% of the people claim that their smart phone is the most important and inseparable entity of their lives. So what makes these smart phones so dependable and important to their users? It’s the information and access that’s made available to them on their fingertips to make their lives easier. A user on an average checks his mobile at least once every hour. With such a huge dependability, and with our heads hung down and deep into the screen of our smart phones for anything and everything makes it necessary for businesses across the globe to have an app for their products and services. Let’s learn further on why your business needs an app to prosper with Techugo, a top Android app development company.

For you to excel against your competitors, the most vital and preliminary requirement for your business app is to have a fresh idea with a hint of uniqueness. It doesn’t matter whether your business is big or small. With the prerequisites in place, you can benefit from your mobile app in the following ways:

1. Perpetual Presence: The best part of having an app is that irrespective of the users’ location and time, they can access your services at their discretion. An app gives your business the opportunity to be present in front of your users all the time. With availability this strong, the app and services can be optimized from the data gathered by analyzing the app. This data may include user behavior and a pattern towards the app, the kind of products and services they are looking for, the types of challenges they’re facing while using the app etc. A glitch-resistant, bug-free, and speedy app is likely to win the hearts of the customers and is likely to stay on the phone.

2. Unmediated Marketing: In addition to providing a presence to your business, mobile apps also help in providing essential statistics for your business. With an app, a business can access the location, behavior, usage stats, demography and a lot many other attributes to fine tune it’s app according to the consumer liking, to appeal to them. When the app is up to users’ expectations, you can blow your own trumpet and get things moving, and the marketing could become more intimate. The middle channel, in this case, is completely obliterated and a direct bonding is established between you and your customer.

3. Cement Your Brand Value & Image: A study has shown that a brand/product/service is in real sense noticed if consumers see it for more than 20 times. If you’re a small business, you might not have the budget to get the billboards erected across the city, but your app can have you present in front of your customer without any of those extra gimmicks involved. Interaction with your consumers is one of the most pivotal steps in establishing your brand value. This not only helps you to build a rapport with the consumers but also creates a positive impression in their minds about your brand and can help publicise your offerings through the word of mouth, the strongest form of marketing.

4. Enhance Consumer Participation: People love to be acknowledged. You give importance to them, they’ll come back to you. A mobile app is an excellent way to promote this trend. An app can serve as the portal to address consumer feedback, grievances, place orders, and register complaints. A proper, precise, and polite reply for the same would mean a lot to them. This could lead to a positive branding of your business, brand, and app in the market and more people will flock to install your app.

5. Get The Edge: It’s nothing short of magic, that you can access the world at your fingertips with just a tap on the mobile app. With a lead against your competitors, a considerable market share for your products and services can be required and you can set sail as the skipper of the ship that your service is. Such an opportunity would not only pull the crowd towards you but your rivals will be left in awe.

6. Amplify Consumer Faithfulness: A business isn’t successful if it runs the risk of its customers not returning to them. It’s a clear indicator that something is definitely wrong in the process and needs to be dealt with ASAP. Check for any faults in the app or the way, the requests are getting processed. It is proven that a tedious and lengthy process leads to uninstalls. Make sure your app is simplified and easy to understand. Don’t forget, consumers love freebies. Provide them with discount, special offers, seasonal sales, coupons etc. This helps a lot in customer retention and ensures their return.

7. Don’t Confuse A Web-Page With A Mobile App: There’re a couple of arguments to this —

(I) Why do we need a mobile app when we have a web page?
(ii) Does the content need to be same on the app as on the web page?

Let’s deal with both the queries one by one. The answer to the first question is; in today’s world where a smart phone has become more dominant than a PC and has all the capabilities of a PC, with included features of portability and omnipresence, and with more than 50% of the global population currently online, yes, there’s a dire need for a separate mobile app. People now don’t sit back at home or in cafes or offices to access the web. Nobody has the time to separately dedicate a few moments to log on to your website. An Android app helps exactly with that. It helps the Android users get access to data much faster, precisely and directly.

The answer to the second question is a big NO. A mobile application shouldn’t serve as an extension of your web page. The content should be different and interesting, and should not resemble the content of the website in any manner. The offers available to users on both the domains should be different and only that can lure a consumer to have your app on your phone. A classic example of this is the mobile app of Amazon. They offer special discounts and run special campaigns for their app users, which isn’t available to a user accessing them through their website.

Conclusion: The world is revolutionized with android bursting onto the technological scene with a bang. A major chunk of the world population uses Android as their primary OS for their smart phones. It is highly advisable that one should have an Android app for their business in order to gain control of such a huge and booming market. We at Techugo, a top Android app development company, do exactly the same. We offer to create Android apps to businesses irrespective of their size, tailor them according to their requirements and needs, and create an app that appeals to the masses and writes your success story. Our team of experts is proficient in converting ideas into reality and delivers it with class. For more information visit us at www.techugo.com and/or contact us at:



Skype: ankit.techugo

Source: https://techugopvtltd.wixsite.com/techugo/single-post/2017/06/08/How-To-Turn-Your-Business-Profitable-With-Android-Apps—Techugo

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