17 Jul 2019

How Augmented Reality Apps Are Transforming The Learning Experiences?

Augmented Reality Apps

It shocks and amuses me to the core, when I think how technology has become an integral part of our lives. We have the privilege over our ancestors to experience the turn of events, with each developing technology. Whether it is Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, React native or Augmented Reality, it has definitely transformed the way we think and pursue our knowledge.

In this blog we will focus on one such gigantic technologies, and that is none other than Augmented Reality(AR). It is also one of the latest additions, but is surely turning many heads. AR can be applied to any gadget we can think of, be it our smartphones, or computers, or tablets. Even though we are going to focus on more detailed definition of AR, but for starters, it is important to know that this technology has the ability to overlay texts, images, audio or video components onto the existing images or spaces.

It has gained a lot of following in the education industry. This is because of the ability to bridge the gap and create more flexible space for learning. Activities based on learning have been accelerated by the inclusion of virtual and real world experiences. Even though its a sporadic way to gain knowledge, but it still has the power to enhance the way of learning. It has the potential to transform education into something that is more efficient, similar to the internet and computers.

“What Is Augmented Reality?”

It is the technology that enhances our physical world by adding a few layers of digital information. But unlike Virtual Reality(VR), AR does not generate an artificial surrounding to replace it with a virtual environment. It appears in a direct view, and also adds videos, sounds and graphics. Think of AR as a view of the physical world infused with computer generated images, that changes the perception of real world.

This term was coined back in 1990. Television industry and the military were the first ones to start using it. With the development of the smartphone and Internet, AR technology grew. But now-a-days it is generally related to the interactive concepts. Different Augmented reality apps impact the way we inculcate knowledge.

AR apps establish a connection between digital animation to a specific marker, with the help of GPS in phones. Below mentioned are four types of AR;

Marker based- Some people also call it image recognition, because it also requires a visual object, and a camera to scan it. It can be anything from a special sign to printed QR code.

Marker-less based- Also known as position based augmented reality or location based. It uses a compass, a GPS, an accelerometer, and a gryoscope, in order to provide data based on user’s location.

Project based- Projecting synthetic light to a physical surface, allows to interact with it. Project based AR detect human interation, with a projection by the alteration.

Superimposition based- This type fully or partially, replaces the original view with the augmented one.

Augmented Reality Apps In Learning

AR is clearly affecting the conventional learning process. It has the capability to change the location, introduce new and creative ways, and change the timing of studying. Its capabilities make the classes more interesting and the information more comprehensive.

Teachers know that the process of learning needs to be interesting and creative. Though they don’t want every student to choose aeronautical science, but they still want their students to develop interest in a particular subject. This is where AR comes in handy.

80 per cent of the young generation own a smart phone. Most of them use these gadgets to access different social media platform, play games and of course for studying purposes.

Even though the progress is in initial stage, the potential of infusing AR and smartphones for learning purposes is big. It can grant the students some extra digital information about any subject, and can simplify the complex nature of any difficult topic.

Now there are some great examples of technologies that are based on the infusion of AR and education. Ability to connect digital content and reality has been improving, slowly but steadily. And it is opening more options for students and teachers.

AR For Classrooms

Using augmented reality animated content in the classrooms can help in accelerating the students’ learning capacity, as it is easy to grab their attention, through this technique. Adding interesting data, would provide a greater understanding of topics. It is useful for the students to find necessary information about any particular course.

AR for explaining difficult and abstract concepts

It has a potential to render objects that are difficult to imagine and convert them into 3D models. Hence, it makes it easier for students to grasp the complex content with ease. This is great for visual learners, as it can transform the theoretical material into real concepts.

AR for increasing Engagement and Interaction

By inculcating AR into lessons, teachers can involve students into the process, by using three dimensional models. It can be a part of the lesson, for example a teaser, or some clips that explain the main topic from using a different approach.

AR For Object Modelling

Quiz solving, hand exercises, manual training, etc, help gain a better language of any sunbect. AR applications for medical students is one of the best ways to understand human anatomy, and explore it more deeply. Augmented reality simply means interacting with 3 dimensional models. It is possible to set the transparency, style, colour scheme, etc. And because of these videos could be enhanced. This happens because of the various gadgets like holographic lenses, instead of mobile phones.


Despite the huge popularity and growth of Augmented Reality, in different fields, this technology is still a brand new concept in the huge field of education. There are definitely some unsettling facts that need to be addressed.

Imagine the growth of education, when teachers get to grab the attention of students. They can motivate them better. Students get the access to new tools, so that they can visualize the complex and difficult concept. For that mobile app development companies need to start working on such technologies, that focuse on enhancing practical skills.

One such company is Techugo. Our developers focus on thriving different technologies with the help of various challenging techniques. So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!

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Shifa Akbar


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