14 Mar 2023

Amazing React Native App Development Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow



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The IT industry has been given a new dimension by react native apps. React Native has gained popularity in recent years, particularly after significant corporations such as Walmart and Facebook chose it as their preferred technology. As a result, react native technology is the future of mobile application development.

Let’s see what happens.

React Native has many benefits for businesses

Native Development is Much More Affordable

React native allows you to create one JavaScript application. React-native only requires one line of code. You can avoid having to hire two developers using the native method. This allows you to save twice as much time and money on maintenance and development.

Improved User Experience

React native uses native components to create the user interface. Native elements can be rendered natively and independently using native APIs for improved performance.

Code can be reused

This is one advantage of React Native Application Development. Experts in mobile app development  company don’t have to create new apps for platforms such as Android and iOS. Instead, the framework can be built in just one line of code. This saves you time and money. React can also create mobile apps by reusing the online application code.

Use less memory

React takes very little memory from the user’s device because there is no cross-bridge linking. Instead, most of the code is executed during the app’s runtime.

Reduced Development Time

Native apps are written natively. Therefore, they require a substantial time investment by the developer. React Native is a much faster development process than other platforms, as one code base can be shared across multiple platforms. Developers need only create one app, share the code, and make platform-specific changes rather than creating two apps for each platform. As a result, the development time is half as fast for native apps.

Also Read : Why is React Native the Best Choice for Mobile App Development?

The Top React Native Developer Tools of 2023

Every developer should be familiar with the top React tools currently available by 2023. Furthermore, all of these tools can be used with open-source software.

  • Belle

The Belle package contains a set of configurable React components that are easy to use. For example, a program can quickly import any of the following features: Button, TextInput and Rating, ComboBox, Card & Select, or ComboBox.

  • BIT

We created BIT, a CLI tool, to solve the problems arising from React component sharing. BIT allows you to organize and distribute user interface components within your organization. You can use the departed elements wherever you need them.

  • Create React App

This command-line tool was developed by Facebook and sped up the process of setting up a React project environment. Create React App allows you to create a frontend pipeline and arrange a developer’s workspace. You can also optimize your production application. Developers don’t need to handle configuration tasks.

  • React 360

React 360 is a 360-degree interactive web browser. Developers can create applications that can be accessed on various devices by combining React’s propositional power and modern APIs like WebGL or WebVR. React 360 Framework makes it easy to create cross-platform 360 experiences. It combines the robust React ecosystem with modern web technologies.

  • React Proto

A prototyping tool can help you design an application architecture backward. A prototype is what prototyping is all about. Proto allows developers to create a visual design and then provide the files needed to develop the application. In addition, the app assists with the definition of the props in ReactJS and the states within the app.

  • React to Sight

React provides developers with an easy-to-use visual representation of the React app structure. Users must first install React Developer Tools Chrome. Next, you must add React Developer Tools for Chrome to your browser. This will create a new panel called “React Sight” in DevTools. React Sight supports Redux and React Router, as well as Node.js.

  • Redux

JavaScript container Redux stores an application’s state in a file that can be accessed from any component. In addition, Redux offers the Redux Toolkit for programmers who need to create Redux logic quickly.

  • Rekit

Reiki is a complete toolkit for React applications. Rekit allows programmers to create apps and provide project management tools such as Rekit Studio. This tool will enable you to manage actions, components, pages, and reducers via a simple command line interface.

  • Storybook

Storybook was designed to create a user interface (UI). This tool gives you a UI component playground and a development environment to create, develop, and test UI components. Storybook allows developers to create UI components and test them quickly.

 React Native Best Practices to Be Followed

Now that we have covered the basics of React Native, let’s dive into the best React Native practices. These best practices from React Native will help you create and develop mobile apps that meet your business’s needs.

  • Implementing an innovative design system for react native application
  • Selecting the right and consistent styling for your business application is one of the most challenging aspects of React Native development.
  • The React Native App Development terminology “Design System” is used. This system manages the rules and techniques required to create the best apps. To make the best React Native app design system, you must consider space, color, and typography.
  • Analyzing the space required for your application: When you work on cross-platform applications, it is evident that components will have different screen sizes. To get the best result, it is essential to ensure that the space between elements is correct.
  • Please choose the right and preferred color: This is the most crucial option when deciding how to use them. Color Palettes are a great alternative. They make it simple to identify your colors using your preferred naming standards.

Be a TypeScript Programming Language user

TypeScript is an extended JavaScript language that only contains type definitions. It is a language that allows you to build React Native apps using Typescript.This helps reduce dependency on PropTypes validation and will enable you to validate any errors quickly.

PropTypes validation is usually only performed during runtime component rendering. Additionally, an incorrect prop can cause bugs or errors in your app.

These errors are often overlooked when building a top app development company. Typescript alone is responsible for this issue and auto completes the values for the components.

Use platform-centric styles

One of the common React Native best practices you can implement is styling your React Native app better. How is this possible? React Native has an API which allows you to write platform- specific code.

How do you determine platform compatibility for React Native applications?

The command “ Platform OS” is the answer. It detects the OS and applies appropriate styles to it.

Strict Naming Conventions Must be Followed

React Native apps for business are built using naming styles and practices. To provide smooth app development, it is essential to follow the naming guidelines strictly.

How can you ensure your development process is smooth? All you have to do is follow the guidelines and you will be good to go.

  1. Use small letters for the names of folders and subfolders.
  2. Use a particular case to give the names of the files in the folders.
  3. The path based component naming scheme must be adopted.

Static Image Resources: Implementation

React Native applications should follow best practices in managing static image resources. React Native applications must be capable of handling static image resources because static files can take up more time than you might think.

Every element should have a unique key assigned to it

React Native assigning a unique key can resolve many problems that make it challenging to work with applications that contain components like lists.

  • Dividing Components
  • It is not recommended to import JSX code directly from RN components into React Native .

React Native: When is it not a good idea to create apps?

  • JavaScript cannot handle complex architectures or computations.
  • You want an app that is both functional and error free on one platform.
  • React Native updates frequently, so your app can rely heavily on third party resources.

React Native App Development : Obstacles

Rely on native app developers: Developers sometimes rely on native developers because JavaScript works, especially when an application requires complex computing operations. Because these apps need native developers, they force developers to offload computations to the native component.

Restrictions on the Abstraction Layer: To allow React Native apps to expand their functionality, an abstraction layer is added to the native platform. Some problems with the Abstraction Layer must be avoided when creating React Native apps.

  • It can be difficult to identify issues in the abstraction layer.
  • Reliance on libraries and services provided by third parties is high.
  • Dependence on the implementation of custom designs.

Multiprocessing and parallel threading is not supported: React Native has only one JavaScript thread, so developers who wish to run multiple processes at once may perform poorly. This significantly limits native response.

iOS is extremely difficult: Many developers find it frustrating that they can only test their iPhone apps using Apple’s Testflight.

  • Although the process isn’t complicated on Android, testing and deploying Android applications is straightforward. React Native is just like any other framework.
  • It all comes down to developers’ experience. For novice or less-experienced React Native developers, these difficulties could be a problem. But they are not for experienced developers.


React Native best practices must be followed to create a high-quality React Native app for your business. React Native best practices are an excellent guideline to help you learn, exercise, and implement mobile apps. We are available to assist you with any questions or difficulties in creating and building React Native app development company for your business. Connect with Techugo, an on demand app development company to get the best IT solutions to improve productivity.

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