10 Feb 2022
Updated on February 24th, 2022

Virtual Reality: The Artist Itself in the World of Art!


Surbhi Bhatia

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Virtual Reality

In a recent incident, I was on a sleepover with one of my friends. It was a long weekend for me, and we had decided on a getaway from our regular lives. So, after singing and dancing for the whole night, we finally went to sleep around 5:00 am, and it’s only then I experienced something unusual. 

No, it’s not heading towards a horror incident! WELL MAYBE! 

After half an hour of me being asleep, I woke up. It felt like I was unconscious; however, I saw my friend sitting and playing her ukulele while I called her name twice or thrice. Finally, she turned her head towards me and continued playing. I went back to sleep, thinking that she might be pranking. Surprisingly, after another ten minutes, I experienced the same and started calling her name again. Only then did I look a bit closer in the dark and realize that I was just hallucinating. 

You must be like, WHATT? 

Yes, it’s true! 

Somewhat similar is the experience of imagination with a delicate thin line! However, while imagination is experiencing that has not been formulated before, hallucination is experiencing what’s not there in reality. 

How do you feel about creating your own little world that involves fantasizing about a place born from your thoughts? Unrealistic, right?

Fortunately, Virtual Reality technology is a fascinating concept that has enabled people to take a peek at the immersive environment. 

Stop scratching your head! Here’s more for you to know:

Introduction to Virtual Reality


Introduction to Virtual Reality 

Since many of you might be our regular readers, you must be familiar with the ongoing trend of VR development

For all those unfamiliar with the rapidly rising technology, VR is an immersive experience that incorporates headphones, head-mounted displays, etc. It is a different world that enables users to encounter an unrealistic deal. 

Technology has highly benefited artists and helped them transform reality into fantasy to convey their ideas. One of the top-notch examples is museums that have adopted VR tech to smoothen audiences’ experience of witnessing art. 

Are you intrigued to learn more about how museums apply VR into their mechanisms? Then, continue reading! 

Museums and VR: The Discipline of Art and Technology


Museums and VR_The Discipline of Art and Technology 

While VR is flourishing in different industries, it has highly influenced the disciplines of art. Museums are institutions dedicated to the preservation of artifacts and other historical, cultural, artistic objects of evidence.

Museums are now enjoying using technologies either with the help of apps, through headgears, and more. As a result, not only VR but Augmented Reality is also becoming a crucial part of art culture.


Let’s talk with a simple example! Have you ever wondered what happens to a piece of art that might go missing or be stolen? 

AR takes the lead! Notably, the gallery space comprises frames with display marks that have incorporated technology. When scanned with the help of a mobile device, the display marks work as a barcode that then views the missing piece of art. 

The visitors are enabled to see how the gallery looks if the artistic objects were not missing or stolen. Though it’s not the same as looking at the original pieces directly, AR plays a tremendous role in enabling the audience to have a closer experience. 

VR for Exhibitions and Sales 

Artists are rapidly leveraging virtual solutions in their practice. For instance, an art startup that serves artists and galleries launched its own VR app. The application enables users to virtually navigate the exhibition and view the art pieces on sale. 

Is VR Transforming the Museum and Artistic Landscape? 

There are multiple reasons to prove the theory that VR has a crucial role to play when it comes to transforming the museum and artistic landscape. 

Undoubtedly, museums look forward to engaging more customers, and what better than an immersive experience to gather a group of geeks around a Mona Lisa masterpiece?

Additionally, VR offers 3D experiences, fosters curiosity, and adds to the visitor’s experience by allowing them to efficiently interact with the artistic objects.

Not to overlook mentioning that it wouldn’t have been possible without the development of an extraordinary VR mobile app. Moreover, it is essential to emphasize the right team of top app developers USA  to extract the desired results. 

Do you agree? 

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