15 Jun 2020
Updated on December 27th, 2022

App testing elevates performance and triggers growth


Ankit Singh

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app testing

Testing in mobile apps is an integral aspect of the app’s successful journey. And the topic itself suggests the motive behind writing this post, but the reason we’re here today is much broader than the topic. As we all know, that app doesn’t grow out to be successful due to its concept only, but there are multiple factors which trigger the growth.

And one of the most relevant is App Testing!

Yes, you heard me all correct and strong, it is the testing which smooths down the rough patches of competition for your app and helps users to grow fond of it. If you are still not convinced enough, then you must scroll down this post further to understand the mystery yourself.

Testing is an inevitable part of your app’s success journey

When your user downloads a mobile app, with sufficient marketing stars twinkling on its platform, it has everything to impress and encourage users to download the application. However, the real issue comes, when users experience terrible user-experience. As the app freezes, crashes and halts the healthy user-flow.

Well, consequently users uninstall the mobile app instantly from their phone and write a long and concerning review.

But do you know why this happens?

It does not happen because of features or functionalities, but due to the number of crashes and the bugs, users receive while using the application. These major technical glitches occur due to the skipping of app testing.

App testing is not a choice, but a necessity!

Yes, app testing is something which can cost your app’s success, if you don’t consider it from the very initial phase of the development. Many app owners delay the testing phase for the later towards the end.

Three testing phases which must not be avoided

The leading app development companies, ensure that app testing into 3 different and major parts:

  • Conceptual Testing- it tests the validation of the app concept, according to the users’ demands and the requirements.
  • Usability Testing- this phase tests the app on different interfaces by real-time users, to bridge down the app’s usability with users’ expectations.
  • Functional Testing- it is conducted at every milestone to test the bugs and the crashes available in the mobile app.

By following these 3 strategies, you can build a masterpiece app that would be admired by the users, so follow these strategies and help your mobile app to become a success piece.

The relation between app performance and user testing

Many clients are worried about one concern that what can be sold in your country, does not guarantee to be sold in another country as well!!!

This is the situation that every product or business faces despite being highly popular or emerging, and the living monster of competition makes the situation worst.

In this hour of need, something which comes out as a savior is the User testing.

But what exactly is user testing and how does it help your app product from being shelved, to get the answer to your queries, why not take a look at this post further…

What is user testing?

It is a technique, which evaluates your app by testing it with specific users. Different types of users’ tests are conducted to fit the need of the different types of business goals.

The best part of the strategy is that it can be curtailed to fit the need of the apps, and it is conducted by collecting data and to determine the users’ satisfaction with the app.

In other words, user testing is a cornerstone of User-centered design

How does it benefit the app?

Undeniably, user testing has benefits in abundance, whether it is the new app or any new update on your app. It allows the app developers to identify problems in the new design or app, which can be fixed in time to change the cycle of user engagement.

The benefits are:

  • It increases revenue
  • It enhances the app conversion rate
  • It boosts the customer retention
  • It creates the brand identity
  • It reduces the development cost by eliminating the issues initially
  • It validates the user behavior

Remember user testing always proves beneficial for your app product whether it is for a small or a large app product, it only provides a pool of advantages.

Food for thought

A mobile app holding great features and functionalities is a dream of every app owner, but sadly this dream takes a sudden jerk when it never meets the expectations of the users. To ease down the woes of such a tumultuous situation, it is needed to practice app testing from the very start. At Techugo, we offer incredible services for mobile app development. And further, we ensure to make your app a glitch-free experience for the users through every possible angle.

Get in touch with us to understand how we can help your simple app concept turn into a sizzling app product.

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