28 May 2019
Updated on January 3rd, 2023

Ionic Framework To Develop An Amazing Mobile Application

Ionic Framework

Getting started with any framework is always a difficult task. But as a developer, you need to become an expert in development ionic frameworks.

So, lots of mobile application development frameworks are available and every framework is good. But if you want to develop an app for both the iOS and Android platform. Then you have to choose the Ionic framework. Even if you are already using any other mobile application development framework. Then also it is easy for you to work on Ionic.

Now, let’s take a closer look at Ionic.

What is Ionic?

Ionic is the HTML5 cross-platform mobile application development framework, it allows developers to use the third party code and enhances the development process. With this framework, you can handle all the looks and feels of the UI interactions. It gives you the feel of “Bootstrap for Native” but with the support and wide range of common native mobile components, slick animations, and beautiful designs. Allow you to do the experiments with design.

Where does Ionic fit?

Ionic comes with native styled mobile UI elements and layouts that you only get with a native SDK on iOS or Android. It also gives you some better options and powerful ways to build mobile applications.

Since it is an HTML5 framework, it needs a native wrapper like Cordova or PhoneGap in order to run as a native app. The developer’s team of the Ionic recommends using Cordova for developing the apps with Ionic tools.

Why did they build Ionic?

The developers of Ionic wanted to use the power of HTML5 over mobile applications or we can say that they just wanted to develop the HTML5 framework. They focused on developing the native or cross-platform mobile application instead of mobile websites. So, the Ionic apps are built for the browser shell like iOS UIWebView or Android WebView. It is wrapped by the tools like Cordova or PhoneGap.

Building the cross-platform application with Ionic

The developers who are familiar with web development will grasp the concept of Ionic very easily. If you understand its core then you will find out that it is just a web page running in a native app shell. It means you can use any kind of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript you want. The only difference is you are not creating a website that other links will too, you are creating a self-contained application experience.

Most of the ionic apps are written in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS programming languages. If any developer wants to use the native layer with the custom Cordova plugins or native code, they can. But it is not necessary to get a great app. It allows you to use lots of AngularJS core functionalities of the framework.

Now, here we are going to discuss why you need to adopt the Ionic framework for application development.

One code for all platform

It is the framework to develop the cross-platform apps for iOS and Android platforms. To develop the app for the multiple platforms you only need to learn one programming language JavaScript. If you are using this framework then it is easy for your developers to understand your project. Also you do not need to hire the multiple developers for developing the application on multiple languages.

The major advantage is that most of the developers are familiar with JavaScript compared to Java and Swift. which gives you an extra advantage.

Low entrance barrier

As every developer knows that they can see the results pretty fast in JavaScript and as we all know the Ionic allows to use the Angular functionalities whenever you need. That means it takes only a few minutes to start for the first time.

You also don’t need any special interface builder or IDE. For creating the first elements, views, and native elements can be done easily even for beginners through HTML. After installing the Ionic, you can start a new project on the Ionic starter templates and directly preview your app inside your browser. The most interesting thing that it hardly takes five minutes to do all this.

Beautiful user interface components

The UI of the Ionic apps are amazing, no other framework has the capability to provide this type of UI. Actually, Ionic comes with predefined styling for different components. So all the elements give the look and feel like a native elements.

Look like native across the different platform means on Android elements gets the material designs touch and on iOS gets the current iOS look. You don’t need to do anything all this comes automatically, right out of the box.

Whenever you use the components of Ionic, you will notice that they automatically look great. Functionalities like this help developers to build the good looking prototype a lot faster and you can simply rely on their styling.

Native plugins

If you are new to the cross-platform application development then you must have one very genuine question. how do I get access to the device features with JavaScript?

So, the answer to your question is Cardova, it is built right into the Ionic and packages. Your app into a webview and builds the native project once you start a certain command. With the help of the Cordova bridge, you can easily use the native device features such as camera, email client, and almost everything.

Ionic also offers a simple package called Ionic Native to simplify the process. This package consists of Cordova Plugins into a more friendly Angular way so you can use them easily.

Powerful but simple CLI

iconic comes with the very handy command line interface which you can use whenever you want to create a new project. You just need to compile your project to native project and do anything inside your project, its CLI will support you.

You don’t need to create new files and folders, CLI will handle this part and automatically follow the right architecture. If you want to preview your app. Then just start a live reload server with preview, showing you even styling for different platforms right inside your browser.

Now you know why you need an Ionic framework for developing the mobile application. Now the second thing you need to find out is the experts in utilizing this framework and for this, you have to reach Techugo.

We take care of all your development needs and after analyzing your specific business requirements and then after we suggest a solution.

Our developers have years of experience and helps you to achieve your business goals with best app solutions. So, if you have any concerns regarding mobile application development, feel free to contact us.


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