20 May 2016
Updated on July 24th, 2019

My Smart Metro Journey of Smart Technology


Metro is one of my favorite place to listen and observe the stories from fairyland to rock-solid planet Earth. Things discussed in metro trains can’t be heard at any other place in the world, it’s an allowed eaves dropping destination…well, more said is less, but beforehand lemme, introduce my reason to travel in metro. I never got a chance to travel by metro earlier, since my car did that honour to me, but since, odd-even scheme is implemented in Delhi, I have got to choose metro reluctantly, but sooner this service has become my favorite, since I get all the spiced up updates in Female compartment form the different hues of colorful dresses.

When I look at those well-groomed bodies in my compartment, trying to boast their expensive shopping at Sarojini Market or adjusting 16 females within the space of roughly 11 seats. It’s all that wonderful and comes with it’s own flavor. But within this flavour,  I realized how far technology has expanded in this world, CD-walkers are replaced with iPods, hands free is now more portable with Bluetooth headphone, watches are no more watches or a plain piece of accessory now, but have become more a full PC on your hand. This increasing SMART Technology is never ending but increasing more and more in numbers, and no doubt these all tech-gadgets are getting better with more accessibility features, and we as the users are realizing the LOOPs to be worked upon, as the time passes to make the technology more convenient for our use.

Earlier, I had thought that improving technology may lead to disastrous effects on us, but since I started using a Smart Watch I, too, noticed a loop while travelling in metro. I realized some of the necessary changes to be brought in smart watches. I realized that Smart Watches could have far richer potential than merely performing a spot of sweat tracking, along with the experience of using apps on wrist-mounted devices does not always live up to the promise of getting stuff done faster or more efficiently. Just having to load an app on this type of supplementary device can feel like an imposition. Also, the major problem with Smart Watches and other digital jewelry is that their screens are so tiny, finger actually blocks much of the screen when we use it. Input tends to be pretty basic, confined to a few buttons or some directional swipes only. I felt it and thought to discuss it further, but…

I realized the need and almost forgot the Smart Watch discussion, amongst the pile of work, I receive every day, while working as a Business Leadership Manger with Techugo, a company that deals in Mobile App Development, so ultimately my job is ever-demanding with no stopping of interesting phases within it. So let’s come back to my main topic, for which I have decided to scribble my thoughts on paper today. As I said, I almost forget my Smart Watch cry, but then I got a surprise on my mail, it was a PPT shared by Techugo only, that spoke about the discovery made by Carniege Mellon University’s student team, you can check more about it  on (http://www.slideshare.net/techugo_ss/skin-track-watch-62086841).

This new updated version of Smart Watch is called SkinTrack and developed by the Human-Computer Interaction Institute’s Future Interfaces Group at CMU. This technology allows for continuous touch tracking on the hands and arms. It also can detect touches at discrete locations on the skin, enabling functionality similar to buttons or slider controls.  SkinTrack makes it possible to move interactions from the screen onto the arm, providing much larger interface. When I read this last line that interactions can be done from the screen onto arm, I was like, who has eavesdropped my heart feelings.

Seriously, I was thinking to have such features on my wrist band for a long time and it got heard and it’s a blessing in it’s own. To wrap the topic, I would suggest that it’s not wrong to expect more from the technology and finally let it get eavesdropped by a tech-saver…

Manveen Raina

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