21 Aug 2018
Updated on July 19th, 2019

How Flutter Is Beneficial For Your Mobile App


Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

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Flutter- does it really need the introduction???

Hmmm, I am certain, NO, but in order to kick-start my blog-piece and in order to carry the legacy of keeping my readers informed, I Must inform you all again J, So here we go…

What is Flutter???

I know there is an abundance of information available on our beloved Google, which further explains that it is a new open-source, cross-platform crafted mobile app SDK, coming from the blessing basket of Google. It is designed with the characteristics of native interfaces for iOS and Android platforms both.

Moreover, Flutter is developed on the Dart, which is the programming language developed by Google, to build web, mobile apps, and a server.

Something which excites you more is the functionality of the Flutter, which works effortlessly with any of the existing code and can be used by any developer sitting across the globe.

Well, this is all the succinct version which describes the Flutter, but now the biggest bomb ticks and asks what is the…


I am very much aware the leading app development companies are already very comfortable with the Flutter, and very well- explain the significance of Flutter because a toolkit like Flutter has its own substance, which cannot be compared with others.

The factors, which distinguish the Flutter from any other app platform, are:

It Provides The Layout Widgets- The successful mobile apps are the brainchild of the efficient app developers, who understand the worth of the widgets in the making of an app.

The right widgets are the sole reason behind the success of an app, and help the app to run smooth and glitch-free.

This very activity is performed by the Flutter, which offers all the features in its widgets to develop an app.

This creativity does not end here, but Flutter allows the developer to build their own widgets as required by the mobile app.

Flutter provides a Stream Builder widget, which automatically updates what the user sees in the app based on the contents of a stream.

With StreamBuilder, the convenience of unsubscribing itself from the stream and cleaning up after itself is also available.

UI Enhancement With Flutter-  With the layout widgets, Flutter lets the developer alter any existing layout, and allow them to include any new widgets effortlessly.

Developers get the opportunity to modify as per the requirement and give a fresh look, matching with the current UI. This makes the UIs to be more engaging and easy to operate.

The UI widgets are available for the Android and iOS platforms and the cross-platform framework brings in the extensive use of material design.

Also the developers can use this functionality to provide the desired color to the widget to match the UI of the app.

  • It provides an engine with a portable runtime to help the developers to build the application.
  • Its framework is built upon the Skia graphics library, offering various widgets.
  • It offers a more flexible way to build an application with much better performance.
  • Its wide widget library mingled with other open-source widgets makes it as a complete platform to work with.


I know after learning this much, still there would be a slice of doubt hovering in your mind, and which must be stating that how Flutter is beneficial for the app development process?

Hence in order to make you understand the core competency of Flutter, we have brought this post for you to understand its remarkable framework in depth…so just read ahead…

  • Hot Reload

The hot reload feature of Flutter is the most exciting feature, allowing the developers to experiment with their creativity and imagination at the best. Developers have the option to build the UIs, fix bugs faster, and add features; all can be done, without wasting any extra second on simulators, emulators, and hardware for iOS and Android platforms.

  • It Crafts Impeccable UIs

The best part of Flutter is the possession of most engaging iOS widgets, Material Design, seamless natural scrolling, rich motion APIs, and platform awareness. This all in total allows the users to design an impeccable UI for the app efficiently.

  • It Is ‘One Technology’ For Both iOS And Android

Mobile app development is the vast system, and the most popular platforms Android and iOS also have their specific set of audience.

Considering this demand every mobile app development company in UK, spin up separate iOS and Android app teams, who invest their time and passion twice in order to solve the same problem.

But this very issue is handled by the Flutter, with an ease, which allows the developers to use one technology for a bit the platforms.

The mobile apps are written in Dart and are deployed natively to both iOS and Android. Also, Flutter lets the Cupertino and Material Design widget libraries to get the look and feel users expect on their platform of choice.

  • It Allows The Customization

Flutter can draw every pixel to the screen, thus it makes everything customizable. The app developers only need to make a subclass and design it and can write their own widget. This customization option would allow the app developers to try their creativity at maximum and help their mobile apps, from turning into boring.

  • Worldwide Localization

With the extensive support of Google Flutter, mobile app developers can localize their native applications on the global platform, which would allow them to use it worldwide. Also, the one platform for both Android and iOS, increase the chances of getting liked by a global audience.

  • It Supports Ides

IDEs play a significant role in the development process of an app, and Google Flutter has considered this need very well, by letting the framework to support a set of IDEs that integrates Visual Studio, Android Studio, and Xcode. Also, the developers would be able to check if everything is running smoothly or requires some attention.

  • Removal of Unusual Matter

Google Flutter is filled with various aspects, and another aspect which makes it worth more, is the removal of the unusual matters and content, for instance, images, videos, and other files, which after being removed enhance the visual experience for your mobile app.

However, this is just a glimpse of the benefits Flutter offers to mobile app development process, and there is much more which can be done with the Flutter. So if you are looking for an app filled with the enthusiasm, then you must look for the Flutter, to build the beautiful mobile apps for your specific set of audience.

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