Do you know what something matters most to the people in today’s time??? It is the convenience people receive from the means of technology. The term convenience has taken a new dimension with the introduction of app technology, which attracts the users to stay glued to the app platform.
But this can only happen when your mobile app is well-accepted by the users and is highly successful…J
But on the other hand the sad part suggests , that a mobile app does not become successful unless it is downloaded highly by the users in a larger and massive number.
Yes, you heard me right…. A mobile app’s success is basically been counted from the number of downloads and the number of installs it carries (worth to mention no uninstall). Albeit the app’s download can only happen when there are elements in your mobile app, which would force the users to download the app, and those measures can be; App concept, App UI/ UX, App functionalities, App features, App performance and CTA- call to action button.
What ???
Really CTA buttons help the app to gain attention from the users and help your app to get downloaded???
Yes, it is very much possible with the CTA buttons…because this is the only factor or I would rather call it an aspect which triggers the app ’s download rate, by inviting the users to take a step further.
Still Confused????
Ok then I would suggest you read ahead…let’s find out together…
Why CTA is required on your App’s landing page???
When a user visits your app’s landing page, he gets to see a number of interesting and colourful pallets in the different sections, and the very next expectation from the user is to see and experience the app, but if your app landing page does not offer the right prompt to the users to download the app, they will feel lost and would not trust your app.
Indeed it is a much obvious aspect which speaks for itself, without mentioning it even, but you need to be more précised with your approach and must let the users see a much clearer approach of downloading your app with the clear sign on their screen.
Apart from this, when you mention the clear CTA, then it helps in other aspects also, like:
It Enhances The Conversion Rate
Apps are built for the sole purpose of convenience, and if by looking at the CTA, the users can download your app, and then it instantly gives a boost to the app conversion rate.
With CTA users don’t need to look out for your mobile app on the respective stores, rather they just need to download the app; from the given link and with just one click on the link they are being redirected to the app.
It’s a human nature we look and buy something much faster if it comes at the convenience, and with the CTA it can never ever be better convenience than this.
CTA Leads To App Distribution Via SMS
Many times the CTA comes through the SMS which is another marketing distribution genre for your mobile app. In this method, you receive the complete information about the app, along with the download link of your mobile app, through which the users can click and can be diverted to the app store.
This method is proven more fruitful since the SMS remains always in users’ inbox and they access the link or share it further with other users as well.
It Is Much Convincing And Easier
If your mobile app is available on Android and iOS both, then you don’t need to draft the larger message or the CTA for your app download, rather you can simply create one and single Call-to-action button, wherein you can mention both the Android and iOS app links and users would opt for the relevant link as per their device.
Thus my recommendation is that you must get a CTA for your mobile app on its landing page, and help your mobile app to get downloaded in a massive number.
Also, you can integrate some more interesting features on your app landing page to get it gain the attention of the users, but this can only be possible once you have chosen a right and top mobile app development company in Dubai, like Techugo to help you craft a successful app for your business needs, since Techugo team holds the relevant experience and the technical expertise to handle and manage your app concept to become a dream app concept. Get in touch with Techugo team today…
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