10 Apr 2018
Updated on May 8th, 2019

How To Get More Positive App Reviews


Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

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Mobile App

I really loved the mobile app, it gave me a soothing experience, and I really look forward to using this app…the time when you launch your app, you yearn to receive the ample of good feedback from the users, and trust me every passing second is waited to get those positive remarks.

But sooner your mobile app gets into the app market, you realize that it is not an easy task for your mobile app to make the headlines in the market or make the users turn their head with an ease. Yes, I agree, the best lines ever received by a mobile app, is ‘AWESOME APP’, this line actually every app developer and the app owner wish to hear out loud and clear from their respective customers for a mobile app.

But the problem arises when you get to know that your app is not alone in the market and has a series of apps to compete with and this is where the competition gets dirtier than you have even thought of and you realize that it is not gonna be a cakewalk to get the good reviews from the users.

Ouch, that hurts!!!

Yes it does and there is no other way around to beat this, but do you know what is the best way to come out of this confusion? It is simply by integrating some of the essentials in your mobile app, so the users would love to use your mobile app and will leave the positive words about your mobile app.

Don’t worry if you are thinking that what can bring those impeccable app reviews on your app because I am here to help you in finding the best strategy which has o be picked in order to give your app the authority to receive the good number of reviews…just read ahead and experience the difference

Integrate Turn-Key Plugin

Sometimes, when the app is very good and has the potential to gain users’ attention, then even it fails to because it lacks to encourage users to go and like your app. Also, there are times, when users are extremely happy and satisfied with your mobile app, but they don’t want to take efforts to go to app store and leave a positive app review.

To beat these issues, you must ask your app developer to integrate the app review plug-ins, which are easy to be integrated and does not take much time.

These plugins play a smart game with your app users, a small window pops out for the users, which ask users to leave good words about the app, on the completion of any action, once users click on the rate now button, they are routed to the play store, where they can leave the good words about the app.

Reward The Users

Sorry to say but above-mentioned strategy doesn’t work always in the favor of the gaining users’ attention, and at times, users prefer to avoid these pop-ups, so again a chance of receiving the good words from the users can be lost.

To make sure this does not happen to your mobile app, you simply need to incentivize your users.

Whenever your users are in need of some extra points, make sure that you allow your users to rate your app, in order to receive those points. It is indeed a research-worthy point, which needs to be taken care of because you need to understand that where and what exactly would help your users to access those points, to give a review in return.

Create A Perfect Time For The Review

When you decide to launch a mobile app, you need to go through a well-researched strategy, which can explain that what exactly your users want.

Do not create a random app popup strategy, but make sure that it pops out only when there is some action completed or user has cleared a stage, because these are the stages users would like to rate your app, and if you make unnecessary pop-ups integrated into your app, then you lose a bigger chunk of users and their interests as well.

Be A Prompt Service Provider

Your users look for a seamless experience and there can be chances that due to any technical hiccup, your users might not get the seamless experience and this may lead to sharing some wrong feedback about your app, but you don’t need to get panic about it, and you must provide a prompt response to the users, and listen to their problem, and try to address the issue at the earliest possible.

This will lead to creating a successful association with your users, and they would be glad to be associated with a right mobile pp provider, who understands and listens to their problems without a fail. Consequently, it will lead to gain the trust of other users as well, and you can find a number of good words flowing from every corner.

Getting Your App Developed From A Worthy App Partner

Apart from the above-mentioned strategies, this strategy is also very important for the success of your mobile app, if you really want it to gain appreciation from the users. Your users can relate to your mobile app, only when t offers the services, your users are looking for, and this is only possible with the help of a right mobile app development partner, who helps you to build an impeccable mobile app solution, with the unbeatable technical efficiency and the experience.

So don’t pick any mobile app development company in the market, but conduct a thorough research and select a leading mobile app development company in India to help you find a successful mobile app solution.

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