30 Nov 2017
Updated on July 20th, 2019

A Definitive Edge Over Enterprise Mobility


Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

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App development is not something which is a very unique and new concept in today’s time and as a matter of fact, every existing business is taking the advantages from the app and the fertility rate of mobile apps has gone massive and huge.

Eventually a mobile app is no more a secret that brings enormous benefits to uproar your business revenue chart.

You would be astonished to know that an app can be fruitful in many different ways of enhancing the productivity rate within the organization as well, in the form of an Enterprise Mobile App.

An Enterprise mobile has much to offer, and it is fascinating and enchanting at the same time, since it allows the users to enhance productivity, increase efficiency, simplify the process and synchronized the way of information sharing within the organization.

Too much to offer!!!!

But the main click comes here, where the large data has to be infused within an app platform brings number of challenges along with, such as: Security, data- accessibility in remote areas, sharing of data inside and outside the firewall access and above all the shortage of right skills to develop the perfect app solution…

Hmm…the challenges are indeed bigger and are disturbing enough to break your dream of having a perfect enterprise app solution and there are many chances when you may bounce-back from your plan.

So the safe plan suggests that not to develop an enterprise mobile app….right?

Are you serious?

I hope you are not kidding me?

Technology can never be left behind when it comes to tackling with the challenges, and there is much more to experience with the technology, then why to abandon your app concept before initiating it even?

Why to abstain from an app when you can get robust app plan with Techugo…..

What? An enterprise app solution with Techugo?

Yes, it is indeed very much possible with Techugo and the recent app which Techugo’s tech-brood has developed – Indofil, is a perfect answer for a mesmerizing enterprise app.

Indofil- an enterprise app with the maximum advantages

Indofil is an enterprise app developed for the subsidiary venture of FORTUNE 500 COMPANY GODFREY PHILIPS, which manufactures, sells, and exports the agro-chemicals including fungicides, herbicides, and specialty chemicals which are used in leathers, plastics, and coatings.

How did Indofil come into existence?

The larger data of the business dealing required a platform, which could let the sales people access the live information on their handheld devices and in the form of a mobile app.

A mobile app was expected to reflect the business plan and what the targets were achieved, since the company has an incentives team for the sales people, and if they sell certain products, they get an incentive which is included in the total sale.

Thus a sales tracking platform, letting the sales people see on the app what they have earned as an incentive and how much they have sold, was a demand indeed.

Features & Functionalities of Indofil

As suggested above, Indofil is an enterprise app, which has a series of features, out of which we are going to share some of the most prominent below…

  • The app contains the employee hierarchies, allowing the senior management to keep a track on their employees’ performance.
  • Indofil carries a dashboard, showing the targets and the achieved targets.
  • Also, it has a feature of challenges, wherein the company can roll out challenges and user can accept those challenges.
  • Each of the employees can see their targets and their achievements.
  • Managers and up level seniors can view all the targets and achieved targets

Apart, from this Indofil has much more to offer to suffice the needs of an enterprise app.

  • In total, Indofil has an interesting platform to manage and view all the sales targets under the roof one app.
  • A sheer concept of sharing the sales targeted data and employee performance on a dashboard, which reflects the targets and achieved targets.
  • With this app platform employees can track their target chart and achievements and the interesting event section updates employees about any upcoming event to boost their energy levels.

Techugo’s Vision

Techugo team was asked for these requirements, including the targeted audience of the app market.

Techugo designed and developed the mobile app to make it a perfect blend of seamless transition and best possible user interface.

Indofil has gained the popularity amongst its domain and Techugo has helped the enterprise app concept of Godfrey Phillips to have it for enhancing the organizational capabilities and excelling the individual performance with the seamless app platform.

Techugo has a proven record of offering some of the top-most and successful mobile apps to some of the top bands and startups across the globe and you too can avail the best practices of app development services from Techugo and you can access our services by contacting us on:

Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo 

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